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BTDT moms - Stroller help

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/06

623 total posts


BTDT moms - Stroller help

DS is getting sick of his carseat with the snap and go. I think he wants to be able to see during his walks. So, my question is, if you had $250 - 300 to spend on a stroller that you wanted to last a long time, which one would you get? DS is almost 4 months old now and I would like something that I could use for future children. I was thinking about the MacClaren Techno XT, but I am curious of opinions. Am I making a mistake spending that much money? It's all gift cards that I have saved up. . . . . Thanks for any advice.Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/07 3:04 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/06

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Re: BTDT moms - Stroller help

I would get the bumbleride Flyer stroller. It's a bit over $300 but it's a great stroller.

I have a gracco personally.

Otherwise, I heard great things about the Metrolite and some MacLaren

Posted 8/31/07 3:08 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/06

623 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - Stroller help

Posted by smdl

I would get the bumbleride Flyer stroller. It's a bit over $300 but it's a great stroller.

I have a gracco personally.

Otherwise, I heard great things about the Metrolite and some MacLaren

Ooooohhh.... me likey the Bumbleride. I just looked at it on Babies r us. It comes out in September. Very nice. I'll have to check out the reviews. Any other suggestions?

Posted 8/31/07 3:13 PM


Member since 8/07

1962 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - Stroller help

i have a Maclaren and we have just started putting our son in it he loves it. it is so light and takes up no space in the car i highly reccomend them

Posted 8/31/07 3:13 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - Stroller help

I have a PEg Pliko P3. I LOVE IT! I would buy it again in an instant!

It's only 18lbs, it folds up so easy and compact. DD is so comfy in it. It has a basket underneath and it doesn't tip when i put my super heavy vera bradley diaper back on teh back of it. It has a cup holder too and a tray for the baby.

Plus it looks super niceChat Icon

Posted 8/31/07 3:16 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - Stroller help

I have an Inglesina Zippy. It's great because it folds like an umbrella, but really has the features of a full size stroller. It weighs about 18lbs, so it's not as light as a MacLaren. It fully reclines and the sunshade is much larger than a Peg or MacLaren. It has a snack track with 2 cup holders that snaps off and it comes with a rain cover. I love mine!

Posted 8/31/07 3:21 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - Stroller help

If i'd had that much money I would've gotten the bumbleride. Since I didn't I can't tell you whether it's actually worth it in terms of performance.

Posted 8/31/07 6:16 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/06

623 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - Stroller help

Bump for the night people.Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/07 8:49 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - Stroller help

I have a Maclaren... i think it's the triumph.. .i wanted something v. light and compact since right now we're on the 2nd floor of a walk-up and the stroller lives in my car trunk. DD started really liking it around 5 months.

This is the one I have- it is only 11 pounds, it has multiple reclining positions (although DD prefers sitting up - and sleeps that way w/ her head to the side). Both my husband and I can push it w. no problems even though I'm 5 3 and he's 6 ft.

I got this color way b/c it is unisex- good for girl or boy.

External Image

Posted 8/31/07 9:02 PM

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