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BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

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How did I get so lucky

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BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

My doctor said she wants them to work toward 3 meals a day and she wants them to have at least a minimum of 16 oz of formula a day.

I took her advice and I am currently feeding them:

7:00 am 8 oz
10:00 cereal & fruit
1:00 4 oz & cereal & veg
4:00 veg & fruit
5:00 8 oz.
6:00 bedtime -- they sleep through the night.

Although it looks like they are getting 20 oz, they are not....they are not always drinking the entire bottle when it is 8 oz...I was thinking of giving them a 4 oz. at 10 also.

I just feel as if I am feeding all day long!
I wanted to make it a true 3 meals a day....

7:00 bottle cereal & fruit
11:30 bottle cereal & veg
4:00 bottle fruit & veg

My friend's doctor doesn't condone drinking a bottle before bed...bad habit to break and claims it could give them "milk rot" in their mouth.

I don't know if they will EAT all of the food and bottles at one sitting.

What are your DC doing?
Thanks for your help
Sorry so long!
I want to work towards 3 meals a day...

Message edited 5/17/2007 6:27:53 PM.

Posted 5/17/07 6:25 PM
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Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

DD is 8 months...but has been on this same type of schedule since about 7 months.

6:00 am-wakes up...6oz bottle
7:30 am--breakfast--cereal and fruit
11:00 am--6oz bottle
1:30 pm--lunch--fruit & veggie
4:00 pm--6oz bottle
6:00 pm--dinner--meat & veggie, plus dessert if she wants it.

Between 6:30-7:00...6oz bottle and then goes to sleep for the night.


PS. She doesn't always drink the whole bottle at each sitting. She will usually finish the morning and bedtime bottles though!

Posted 5/17/07 7:16 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

Nikolas just turned 7 months old last week. My schedule for him is very similar to Kim's:

6am - Wakeup: 7-8 oz bottle

9am - Breakfast: cereal and stage 2 fruit

12ish or 1pm (depending on nap) - Bottle: anywhere from 4-6 oz

1:30pm - Lunch: either a stage 2 fruit and veggie or Yobaby yogurt and fruit

5pm - Bottle: 4-6 oz

6pm - Dinner: Stage 2 "dinner" (apples and chicken, chicken and rice, macaroni and beef, etc), a fruit or a veggie

7pm - Bottle: 7-8 oz

Bedtime around 7:30pm

Edited to add: the bottles are never consistent since he's been teething.. There are some days he eats only half of the bottles I give him during the daytime, but almost always he does good with his morning and nighttime bottles..

Message edited 5/17/2007 8:51:07 PM.

Posted 5/17/07 8:49 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

My 7 months old DD is currently holding to this schedule:

5:15'ish: Wake and BF (about 3 oz.)
6:30: breakfast-> cereal and fruit
10:30: 6 oz. bottle
1:00: lunch-> veggie and fruit
2:00: 4 oz. bottle
5:30: dinner-> cereal & veggie. Just introduced stage 2 meat & fruit (apples & chicken)
6:00: bed; BF maybe 1 oz.

My DD isn't a big eater. I figure I make her cereal with breast milk too so I add about an ounce to her daily count.
Are you using formula or BM to make the cereal?

I sometimes find getting the 3 meals in pretty tough b/c she goes to sleep sooo early. We've only been having 3 meals a day for a few weeks now. She does like her cereal, fruits and veggies though!

With your DCs, I'm sure there will be days that they are a couple of ounces shy of the 16 oz. but there will be days that they may take more than that.

Posted 5/17/07 8:54 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

For some reason no matter how much food I give it doesn't hold them more than 1/2 hour or maybe an hour so I decided to cut back on it and continue with the majority of the feeding as a bottle - that has been working for us. Feeding has been usually:

7 - Bottle
10- Fruit, cereal, bottle
1 - Yogurt, Bottle
4 - Cereal, Veggie, Bottle
7 - Bottle

Some days I give Zwieback or a frozen veggie in the mesh bag or a sippy cup of watered down juice. But that's our typical schedule.

Posted 5/17/07 9:09 PM

How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05

3725 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

Thanks ladies...I will see if I can try one of your schedules...I can't seem to keep my DS & DD up past 6...sometimes they don't even make it to 5:30! Not that I'm complaining, since they sleep until 6:30 or 7 am!Chat Icon

Posted 5/17/07 9:26 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

Posted by FireIslandLove

Some days I give Zwieback or a frozen veggie in the mesh bag or a sippy cup of watered down juice. But that's our typical schedule.

Sorry to piggyback on this post but .....can I ask how you got them into the sippy cup? My DD won't take it. The doctor wants me giving DD water daily but in the sippy cup. It's not working. DD is 7 months.

Posted 5/17/07 9:26 PM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

Posted by Lucky

Posted by FireIslandLove

Some days I give Zwieback or a frozen veggie in the mesh bag or a sippy cup of watered down juice. But that's our typical schedule.

Sorry to piggyback on this post but .....can I ask how you got them into the sippy cup? My DD won't take it. The doctor wants me giving DD water daily but in the sippy cup. It's not working. DD is 7 months.

My DD is 8 months and won't take the sippy cup either Chat Icon She just chews on it, doesn't understand that she should "drink" from it

Posted 5/17/07 9:28 PM

How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05

3725 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

Posted by Lucky

Posted by FireIslandLove

Some days I give Zwieback or a frozen veggie in the mesh bag or a sippy cup of watered down juice. But that's our typical schedule.

Sorry to piggyback on this post but .....can I ask how you got them into the sippy cup? My DD won't take it. The doctor wants me giving DD water daily but in the sippy cup. It's not working. DD is 7 months.

I use Nubby (I think) it has a wide straw, so it is close to the idea of the bottle, although DD drinks from it and DS is still having some trouble.

I tried a few different ones before this worked. My cousin used (only one time) a juice box and squeezed it so that the juice would come up the straw and into her DD mouth, then she kept sucking to get more and now she drinks water only with a straw in a sippy cup. I thought that was a good idea.

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Message edited 5/17/2007 9:30:50 PM.

Posted 5/17/07 9:29 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

have you started yogurt? Steven is 6 months, and the ped. said to start yogurt, so we did. Now we have to try to transition to 3 bottles. I felt like you where I was always feeding him, so it took me two weeks, but this is his new schedule.

7 am cereal and fruit AND 6 oz
11 am veggies and fruit AND 6 oz
3/4 pm veggies and fruit AND 6 oz
6 pm yogurt (about a 1/4 of a YoBaby container)
8pm 8oz bottle then bed.

Now he is eating the bottles with his meal and he is looking for 2 more oz, which is making 8 oz at each sittingChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

But, I have to say that he doesn't always finish the bottle in the sitting. Lots of times he leaves 2 oz exactly then looks for those 2 oz about an hour later.

ETS: OH, and the last 3 nights, he screamed until I gave him more and he's been totalling 12 oz at nightChat Icon

Message edited 5/17/2007 10:32:17 PM.

Posted 5/17/07 10:30 PM

How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05

3725 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

I guess my schedule is not too off...I just wondered when we can start them on a 3 meal a day schedule as per my doc. I guess this is 3 meals a bottles.

Posted 5/18/07 9:09 AM

so happy!!

Member since 1/07

2091 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

I do three meals a day.

7:30 bottle 6 oz and 4-5 tbsp of cereal and fruit
11:30 bottle 6 oz and 3 tbsp of yogurt and/or fruit
3:30 bottle 6 oz and 5-6 tbsp of cereal, meat, veggie mixed
6:30 bottle 6 oz and to bed.

sometimes I feel like they are eating too much but sometimes they want more especially around dinner.

edit: they don't always finish their bottles sometimes leaving an oz or two.

Message edited 5/18/2007 9:30:08 AM.

Posted 5/18/07 9:29 AM

My boys!

Member since 1/06

5292 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

DS is just about 7 1/2 months

6:00 AM – 7 ounce bottle
9:00 AM – Cereal & fruit
11:00ish – 7 ounce bottle
1:00 ish – veggie & fruit or just a yogurt
4:00 – 7 ounce bottle
6:30/7:00 meat & veggie or fruit

And then I try to get another couple of ounces in him before bed depending on how soon he goes to bed after he eats dinner.

Posted 5/18/07 10:32 AM


Member since 2/07

2642 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms 7 month old eating solids...

Posted by jessbaby

DS is just about 7 1/2 months

6:00 AM – 7 ounce bottle
9:00 AM – Cereal & fruit
11:00ish – 7 ounce bottle
1:00 ish – veggie & fruit or just a yogurt
4:00 – 7 ounce bottle
6:30/7:00 meat & veggie or fruit

And then I try to get another couple of ounces in him before bed depending on how soon he goes to bed after he eats dinner.

I pretty much do the same except DS drinks 8oz and has a bottle right before bed.

Posted 5/18/07 10:39 AM

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