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BTDT moms and baby products

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BTDT moms and baby products

With just a few weeks left to get ready, I have a few questions

What wash product did you use? Do I need to see the ped first after the baby is born?

Also... I read about A&D oitment. Is that like vaseline. Where do I buy it? Target? What size gauze did you use? 3x3?

Also, I went to the baby care class and the ped there told us NOT to use wipes right away. How do you clean the baby since this is really just a sponge bath at first. Just water????


Posted 4/24/07 11:50 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: BTDT moms and baby products

What wash product did you use?
I use Johnson and Johnsons Nighttime wask. I just prefer the way it smells to the regular kind.

Do I need to see the ped first after the baby is born?
Yes. Your Dr. will want to see you a few days after you're home to see if the baby is putting on some of the weight that they all lose immediately. We came home on Sat. and saw the Dr. that Monday.

Also... I read about A&D oitment. Is that like vaseline. Where do I buy it? Target? What size gauze did you use? 3x3?
Yes, it's like vaseline and you can find it in Target, CVS, etc... I wouldn't even bother buying gauze, they will send you home with enough from the hospital.

Also, I went to the baby care class and the ped there told us NOT to use wipes right away. How do you clean the baby since this is really just a sponge bath at first. Just water????
The hospital sends you home with these dry wipes that you are just supposed to wet with water. I think we started using wipes after a week or so. I don't really remeber.

Posted 4/24/07 11:55 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT moms and baby products

What wash product did you use? I use Head to Toe baby wash and Soothing Naturals by J&J-when those are done, we are using baby aveeno

Do I need to see the ped first after the baby is born? We did, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, then it went to 2 months. I'd call the PED and see what their sched is

Also... I read about A&D oitment. Is that like vaseline. Where do I buy it? I just used vaseline-it's less pricey than A&D, but you can get it at Target, Walmart, CVS, basically anywhere that sells baby products

What size gauze did you use? 3x3? I had a girl :)

Also, I went to the baby care class and the ped there told us NOT to use wipes right away. How do you clean the baby since this is really just a sponge bath at first. Just water????-We used Pampers sensitive wipes and had zero issues and my DD has very sensitive skin and eczema since she was born. She's only had 1 rash her whole 1 year of existence.

Posted 4/24/07 11:55 AM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

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Re: BTDT moms and baby products

Since Michael was maybe a week or two old, I have used Dove for Sensitive Skin Bar Soap because his skin was dry (still use it) as per his ped. I was using Gerber Babywash, but that dried his skin out.

We saw Michael's doctor right away since he was a little bit jaundiced. I think he was a week old. I had a c-section, so by time we were out of the hospital is when we had to see the ped.

Are you having a boy? Is that why you mention the gauze? We only used the gauze pads that the hospital gave us and it was only for a few days. We used vaseline on his peepee and on his butt to prevent diaper rash we use and still use A&D (it's medicated a little)

We used wipes from day one. Newborn wipes. I think they told us to use a wet papertowel or cotton balls, but we didn't do that.

Posted by smdl

With just a few weeks left to get ready, I have a few questions

What wash product did you use? Do I need to see the ped first after the baby is born?

Also... I read about A&D oitment. Is that like vaseline. Where do I buy it? Target? What size gauze did you use? 3x3?

Also, I went to the baby care class and the ped there told us NOT to use wipes right away. How do you clean the baby since this is really just a sponge bath at first. Just water????


Message edited 4/24/2007 11:57:12 AM.

Posted 4/24/07 11:56 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT moms and baby products

Posted by nferrandi

What wash product did you use?
I use Johnson and Johnsons Nighttime wask. I just prefer the way it smells to the regular kind.

Do I need to see the ped first after the baby is born?
Yes. Your Dr. will want to see you a few days after you're home to see if the baby is putting on some of the weight that they all lose immediately. We came home on Sat. and saw the Dr. that Monday.

Also... I read about A&D oitment. Is that like vaseline. Where do I buy it? Target? What size gauze did you use? 3x3?
Yes, it's like vaseline and you can find it in Target, CVS, etc... I wouldn't even bother buying gauze, they will send you home with enough from the hospital.

Also, I went to the baby care class and the ped there told us NOT to use wipes right away. How do you clean the baby since this is really just a sponge bath at first. Just water????
The hospital sends you home with these dry wipes that you are just supposed to wet with water. I think we started using wipes after a week or so. I don't really remeber.


Posted 4/24/07 11:58 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT moms and baby products

I don't know what you mean about seeing the ped first before the baby was born. The practice we chose does rounds at the hospital I delivered at, so they saw the kids there, otherwise we would have brought them in a day or two after they were discharged. If your ped is not affliliated with your hospital they have a ped on staff who will check out the baby in the hosptial and discharge them.

We use Burts Bees Tear Free Shampoo and Wash, we've also used Dove white per our ped.

We never used A&D, we used Vaseline brand or Target brand petroleum jelly and store brand 3x3 gauze pads. Andy's circ took a while to heal, which is rare, so what the hospital supplied us with was not enough. We still use Vaseline on his penis at every diaper change as per our ped. He said it would help prevent it from reattaching, which happens to some babies.

For both kids we used newborn or sensitive wipes right away with no problems. We used brought them to the hospital to use, I hated those dry cloths that we needed to wet.

Posted 4/24/07 12:03 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: BTDT moms and baby products

You are going to get REALLY different answers for some of these questions.

What wash product did you use?
I was using J&J Head to Toe and the regular lotion, but Steven has super sensitive skin and eczema. Now he only uses Aveeno. So, I wouldn't buy too much wash and lotion until you know what works best with your child.

Do I need to see the ped first after the baby is born?
I think this was related to the wash question. Each ped. has different preferences as to what to use. If it wasn't in relation to the wash question: if you are not using the ped from the hospital, you will have to see your ped. in 2 or 3 days. If you use the one from the hospital, I think you go after two weeks, but I'm not positive on that.

Also... I read about A&D oitment. Is that like vaseline.
A&D is medicated. Vaseline is not. I use it at every diaper change because Steven's sensitive skin, it protects from the diaper. Vaseline is not medicated, so no...they are not the same thing.

Where do I buy it? Target?
Target, CVS, Babies R Us...those are just some places I've seen it.

What size gauze did you use? 3x3?
are you referring to for the circumcision? I used, in this order, globs of vaseline, 3x3 gauze then 4x6 gauze just to keep the smaller one in place. He was healed within days and completely healed in just over a week.

How do you clean the baby since this is really just a sponge bath at first. Just water????
I used Pampers Sensitive wipes from the beginning for diaper changes. For the sponge bath, I used a wash cloth and J&J head to toe. But now I use Aveeno. You can use a washcloth and water for diaper changes too.


Message edited 4/24/2007 12:09:51 PM.

Posted 4/24/07 12:09 PM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

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Re: BTDT moms and baby products

Our ped recommended Aveeno wash and lotion. She said don't wash every day either as it's dries out their skin. And sponge baths until the cord falls off.

Never used A&D ointment. I don't even know what it is. We've used a little dab of baby vaseline in the diaper.

Never used 3x3 gauze either. I've used plenty of cotton balls to clean her cord area and wipe her ears and around her eyes (use a new one for each ear, eye and the cord).

We were told not to use wipes right away too. We took a ton of those dry napkin-like things they had in the hospital and used them with warm water for the first week. After that, we've been using Kirkland's unscented super soft baby wipes (costco brand). They work great!

Posted 4/24/07 12:09 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: BTDT moms and baby products

What wash product did you use? Do I need to see the ped first after the baby is born?

Right now I use Johnson & Johnsons. I got a lot of bath and body stuff in my wishing well. I plan on using it all as long as there is no reaction (grins & giggles, etc) I had to bring DD to the drs within a few days of being home.

Also... I read about A&D oitment. Is that like vaseline. Where do I buy it? Target? What size gauze did you use? 3x3?

I got A &D from BRU. You can use it on diaper rashes as well. I never bought gauze.

Also, I went to the baby care class and the ped there told us NOT to use wipes right away. How do you clean the baby since this is really just a sponge bath at first. Just water????

In the hospital you use a wet disposable towel/washcloth to clean the baby. When we got home I used the sensitive/newborn wipes on her bottom. To wash her I used a washcloth and soap.

Posted 4/24/07 12:40 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: BTDT moms and baby products

What wash product did you use?


I read about A&D oitment. Is that like vaseline. Where do I buy it? Target?

You can get it at Target but I prefer Desitin for diaper rashes

What size gauze did you use? 3x3?

I've never neeeded gauze, the doc told us to use cotton balls to clean the umbilical cord Chat Icon

Also, I went to the baby care class and the ped there told us NOT to use wipes right away. How do you clean the baby since this is really just a sponge bath at first. Just water????

At the hospital they have cloth that you wet to wipe them. once I got home I used baby wipes

Posted 4/24/07 1:41 PM

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