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Bunny people

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Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Bunny people

tell me how to train the new bunny to use a litter box????

Posted 1/9/07 6:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1562 total posts


Re: Bunny people

I have read that it can be difficult to train rabbits to use the litter box. We have one who just started using the box the second we put it in there. We have another who uses her litter box as a bed Chat Icon

We have tried scooping up soiled bedding and putting it into the box; putting her into the box when she goes; and putting hay into the box. To no avail.

But there's a site that has some info on litter training rabbits so maybe you'll have better luck than we have with our second. Chat Icon

Posted 1/9/07 9:08 AM

Unconditional Love

Member since 4/06

6005 total posts


Re: Bunny people

We seriously just started picking up her poop and putting it in the box. We seriously did it every single day, and made sure it was always in the same spot - she finally did it after about six weeks.

Posted 1/10/07 12:00 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

632 total posts


Re: Bunny people

I have a bunny and she is litter box trained. There are a few things to consider when litter-box training a rabbit.
First, if the bunny has hit sexual maturity (4-5 months of age) they tend to forget their litter box habits and it is virtually impossible to get them to consitently go in the litterbox since all they want to do is mark their territory. This is why spaying/neutering your bunny is important.
Secondly, the only "bedding" that should be in their cage should be in the litter box. Rabbits, unlike hamsters, gerbils, and rats, do not need aspen shavings or any kind of litter along the bottom of their cage. A straw mat is sufficient (untreated straw) and is digestible if they should chew/eat it. Only place blankets/towels down if you know your bunny is not a chewer and will not ingest the fibers which can cause intestinal blockage.
The best way to get your bunny to use the litterbox is to place the litter in the box, place the box in the corner that the bunny likes peeing in the most, and placing any stray fecal pellets into the litter box. It also helps if you place some small pieces of soiled paper towel in their litter box. Rabbits like to pee and poop in one spot, and they also like to sit in their litter box and munch on hay while they poop. Guess it's the equivalent of us reading the paper on the bowl, lol. So, you should place the bunny's hay rack right above or near the litter box so she will be more inclined to go the the bathroom in the box when she eats her hay.
It really is very easy to train them once they are spayed/neutered.
If you would like a recommendation for a great vet, try Dr. Jennifer Saver of Catnip and Carrots in New Hyde Park. She specializes in rabbits and cats and is extremely nice and knowledgeable about rabbits. The ph# is 516-877-7080.
Feel free to FM me if you have any other questions.
Also, here is a GREAT site where you can talk to other bunny owners and ask as many rabbit questions as you want. I really learned a lot from this site: Rabbits Only Forum

Good luck!

Posted 1/11/07 11:17 AM


Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Re: Bunny people

Thanks for the replies & the link! My bunny looks like yours!
I will try the suggestions posted here! Thanks again!

Posted 1/12/07 6:31 AM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

14432 total posts


Re: Bunny people

my pepper was a blessing to train!

When I first got her and let her out, she had 1 pee accident and I immediately put her in her cage afterwards, she was sad that she lost her "out-of-cage" play time and she never peed out of the cage again! When she pooped too I did this, and eventually she no longer pooped.
However I usually did not let her out after she ate, I usually timed it that she was let out before she went in for the night and then fed her.

Posted 1/13/07 1:22 PM

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