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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay - Update about Quick Queue

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MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Busch Gardens Tampa Bay - Update about Quick Queue

Has anyone gone recently? Did you get the Quick Queue pass?

DH and I are going next week and were considering whether to get the regular Quick Queue pass or Unlimited.

The regular gives you just 1 ride each on all the major coasters without any waiting, while the other one gives you unlimited rides with no waiting.

Is the unlimited worth it?


Message edited 8/2/2010 1:42:18 PM.

Posted 7/16/10 2:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

We just did BG Williamsburg, VA and my bro got the Quick Queue for $15. He wound up using it only once but that's just how our day went.

If you have a group that will go on a lot of coasters, I would say go for it if you can afford it. I think it would speed up your day and let you get the most out of the park.

Posted 7/17/10 10:49 PM

So Big... So Fast!

Member since 5/05

2959 total posts


Re: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

We were there at the end of May. didn't get the pass, and didn't feel we needed it. The lines moved faast, and with two 3 1/2 year olds, we weren't into the big coasters.

Posted 7/20/10 10:39 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

I have purchased the fast pass and the regular one, when we just had one day to do a park, we do the fast pass to "get through the park quickly." If we have more time then I am ok with waiting. I will say the day we had that fast pass we were thrilled to have it because the regular lines were insane. For me the determination of whether to get one is:
1. How long do we have in the park, one day or multiple?
2. What day of the week are we going to the park? A weekend would make me more likely to get it.
3. Are we there for a holiday week or popular vacation week?
4. What do the lines look like outside when we actually get to the park?

Posted 7/20/10 10:59 AM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Thanks everyone -- I just purchased the tkts and decided to get the regular Quick Queue -- which allows us 1 ride each on the big coasters/rides without waiting.

We are going to be there on Saturday -- and probably won't get there right when the park opens -- more like 11am or 12pm.

Since it's Saturday in the summer, in July, and we only have one day to do it -- I figured the splurge is worth it. I don't want to spend hours in line waiting for the coasters.

Thanks so much!

Posted 7/20/10 12:37 PM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Just bumping to update and say the Quick Queue was BEYOND WORTH IT.

I don't think we'd have been able to go on more than 3 rides had we not done it. What a great investment -- we not only went on all the major coasters, but did a few 2x.

Posted 8/2/10 1:42 PM

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