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Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

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Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

How much food does your DC get during the day? How many tbsp and or jars at each feeding? I feel like i need to increase her quantity again but I'm not sure by how much. Here's what she gets right now...

3 meals per day and three bottles per day.

7:30 am bottle (4-6oz)
9:00 am breakfast (4tbsp oatmeal & 1 fruit)
12:00 lunch (4 tbsp cereal, 1/2 jar meat w/veg & 1/2 fruit)
3:00 bottle (4-6 oz)
5:00 or 6:00 dinner (cereal, 1/2 veg & 1/2 fruit)
7:00-8 bottle & bed (4-6 oz)

DD really dropped her formula intake when we went to 3 meals per day, but our Ped said 16-20 oz is fine so she's not concerned as long as we keep increasing the solids. She's 7 mos now & I'm about to go up again to 5 tbsp, but I'm not sure if I should also increase the amount of jar food as well? probably. Figured I'd see what all the other kiddies get.

Posted 1/8/07 7:03 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

My son's schedule is about the same as yours, I don't measure the cereal but its probably about the same. Sometimes he wants more than 1 jar of veggie/fruit so he ends up having about 1 1/2 jars (stage 2) Sometimes he will have a 4 oz bottle in the late AM - I usually dont give him lunch till 12:30 - 1pm so it depends on the day. We started yobaby yogurt too.

Posted 1/8/07 7:21 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

628 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

Nicholas is 8 months this week. He eats 4 x a day. He also doesnt always finish his bottle.

7/7:30- 6 oz bottle, 5 tablespoons of oatmeal, STage 2 fruit

10:30-11:00-6 oz. bottle

2:00-6oz bottle, 1/2 jar of vegetables and 1/2 jar of meat.

5:00/6:00- 6 oz bottle, oatmeal and fruit again

He goes to bed from 6:30-7:00

Posted 1/8/07 8:26 AM

Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

2412 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

DS is a big eater, here's his schedule...

Morning - 9-10 oz formula with 3-4 tbsp oatmeal in the bottle
Breakfast - 1 jar stage 2 fruit, 5-6 oz formula
Lunch - 1 jar stage 2 veggie mixed with barley, 4 oz juice -or- 5-6 oz formula
Dinner - 1 jar stage 2 dinner, 5-6 oz formula (sometimes I'll add a stage 2 dessert, depends on how hungry he is)
Evening - 7-8 oz formula

ETA: DS is 7 months old

Message edited 1/8/2007 8:46:04 AM.

Posted 1/8/07 8:45 AM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

5857 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

Our schedule right now is:

8-9am - 8oz bottle, 3-4 tablespoons cereal, stage 2 jar fruit

1pm - 8oz bottle, stage 2 dinner, stage 2 veggie

5pm - 8oz bottle, stage 2 dinner, stage 2 fruit

7:30pm - 8oz bottle and bed!

He just started not finishing much of his lunch and dinner bottle, so I am starting today to try and skip those two bottles and just give him one 8oz bottle inbetween lunch and dinner. He gets snack 1-2x's a day (puffs, biscuits, fresh fruit etc) and water. I'm going to try replacing the two bottles with lunch and dinner with a little water or juice.

Posted 1/8/07 9:08 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

455 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

My DD is 7 mo and her schedule is pretty much the same as yours

6 am - 6 oz bottle
9 am - 3-4 tbs cereal and fruit (usually whole jar) and 1 oz formula
12 pm - yogurt, fruit or veggie, pastina etc ( we are trying new things here)
3 pm - 7-8 oz bottle
6 pm - 3-4 tbs cereal and 1 vegetable 2 oz bottle

We are not on meats yet - Dr said wait until 9 mos checkup for those.

Posted 1/8/07 9:28 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

Here's our schedule as of now:

8:30 - wake and 6-oz. bottle

9:30 - cereal (I don't measure) and 1 jar stage 2 fruit or a Yobaby yogurt

11 - nap

12:30 - 1 veggie and 1 fruit (Stage 2 size)

2 p.m. - 6-oz. bottle

3 p.m. - nap

6:30 - 1 jar Stage 2 veggie or fruit with a 1/2-1 jar of meat. If she's stiull hungry, she gets a 1/2 jar of fruit.

8 p.m. - 6-oz. bottle

8:30 - bed

So she has 3 6-oz. bottles a day and about a total of 4 jars of food, sometimes a wee bit more of less depending. She also started on the Gerber Biter biscuits and Zweiback toast, as well as Yobaby yogurt.


Message edited 1/8/2007 9:31:55 AM.

Posted 1/8/07 9:31 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

DD is 8 months old, we started solids at 6.5-7 months but she eats wayyy less.

8am or so 6 oz bottle


9:30-10am 1 tbsp of oatmeal, 1/2-1 jar of stage 2 fruit or veggie

12pm-bottle 6 ox

2pm nap

3pm-4pm 6oz bottle

5:30pm stage 2 fruit/veggie

7-8 pm 6oz bottle and bed

She barely finishes the bottles, i cannot get anymore solids in her.

I think it's the teething or i have a little eater. Is this okay?

Message edited 1/8/2007 9:56:34 AM.

Posted 1/8/07 9:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1204 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

DD will be 8 months old on Friday

8am 6 oz bottle-BM

9am 3 TB oatmeal, 1 stage 2 fruit or homeade fruit


12:30/1pm 6 oz bottle -BM


4pm 6oz bottle-BM

5:30pm 5 TB cereal 1/2 stage 2 veggie and 1/2 stage 2 meat

7:30pm 6oz bottle-BM and bed

Ped recommended a minimum of 20-24 ounces of breastmilk and only 2 meals a day.

We will be starting yobaby this week.

Posted 1/8/07 11:32 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

Oh boy I only give DS 5 tbsp of cereal a day. Is that good. He has a bottle with every meal though. The last meal is just a bottle.

Posted 1/8/07 11:40 AM

Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05

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Properly perfect™

Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

7AM- 6oz botle
8:30AM- 3-4 tbspcereal,stage 2 fruit
10AM-4oz bottle
1PM- stage 2 veggie
3PM- 4oz bottle
5PM- Meat and veggie
7pm- 6oz bottle

She dropped one bottle in the past month

Posted 1/8/07 11:48 AM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: Can I check in again? Moms of 7-8mos olds

Thanks so much for all the responses. It helps me to have an idea where everyone else is at even though I know each of our babies are different.

Posted 1/8/07 12:06 PM

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