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My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Can we talk Naps?
So Miranda will be 7 months old next week and all in all is a good sleep (finally) but her naps seem to be getting shorter. She started sleeping through the night for the most part about a month ago 7-7:30 to 6:30-7.
She naps around 9am for 45min-1hour then around 1 for 1-1&1/2 hours. Her morning nap used to be closer to 2 hours and her afternoon nap was closer to 3 hours. The afternoon one is the biggest issue because she wakes up around 2:30 but bedtime isn't until 7 and she gets cranky around 5:30-6 but that's too late for a nap.
Just wondering if this is normal or if there is anything I can do to extend the afternoon nap a little. Putting her down later isn't an option. She is completely fussy and must nap at this time.
Posted 4/19/06 2:51 PM |
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Can we talk Naps?
What about making her morning nap later? I think it was easier for me since daycare wrote down a schedule for me. It was 10am naptime, 1pm nap time for about 2-3 hours.
Posted 4/19/06 2:53 PM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Can we talk Naps?
It's definitely normal for the naps to get shorter and for them to skip the late afternoon nap. During the long stretch after Nate's last nap that ends between 2 - 3pm and bettime at 8pm, I try to have an 30 to 60 min where we just relax. We'll sit on the couch together and watch Seasame Street or Jack's Big Music Show or read a book. It calms him down without him actually taking a nap.
Posted 4/19/06 3:02 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Can we talk Naps?
Posted by steph4777
It's definitely normal for the naps to get shorter and for them to skip the late afternoon nap. During the long stretch after Nate's last nap that ends between 2 - 3pm and bettime at 8pm, I try to have an 30 to 60 min where we just relax. We'll sit on the couch together and watch Seasame Street or Jack's Big Music Show or read a book. It calms him down without him actually taking a nap.
OK maybe I'll try this Steph. Usually we're just keeping her playing and maybe that's too stimulating.
Barb I would push the morning nap later but its the same issue as the afternoon. She is just a mess if she doesn't go down within 2 hours of waking up. Sometimes it more like she's only up an hour and a half.
Posted 4/19/06 3:08 PM |
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Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Can we talk Naps?
Emily also fights her naps BIG time! We have days when she doesn't nap at all! She usually naps around 9:30-11, around 2-3 and around 5-6 but she rarely ever does the 5-6 nap anymore. I think it is normal though at this age to stop sleeping as much during the day and maybe increase thier nighttime sleeping a bit more although I've yet to see that! She is still up at the buttcrack of dawn!
Posted 4/19/06 3:14 PM |
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Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Can we talk Naps?
Since we are talking Naps...
I know how to put the baby to sleep at night, but I don't know how to put him down for a nap. If I am not out and about, when he naps in the stroller, I am clueless about napping. Usually it goes like this...10 am naps in my arms for about 25-30 minutes, 1 pm naps in my arms for about 25-30 minutes, (sometimes)5 pm naps in my arms for about 25-30 minutes. I know thats not enough, but the minute I put him down, he shoots awake. I am NOT prepared to walk the streets of Manchester with this baby to get him to nap like some of my friends do with their babies.
Anyone have any ideas???
Posted 4/19/06 3:15 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Can we talk Naps?
Posted by racheeeee
Since we are talking Naps...
I know how to put the baby to sleep at night, but I don't know how to put him down for a nap. If I am not out and about, when he naps in the stroller, I am clueless about napping. Usually it goes like this...10 am naps in my arms for about 25-30 minutes, 1 pm naps in my arms for about 25-30 minutes, (sometimes)5 pm naps in my arms for about 25-30 minutes. I know thats not enough, but the minute I put him down, he shoots awake. I am NOT prepared to walk the streets of Manchester with this baby to get him to nap like some of my friends do with their babies.
Anyone have any ideas???
It took me a long long time but I learned to put Miranda down awake. I never did let her cry but I started to notice her tired signs and I would put her to nap and often she would stay awake and play a bit but sure enough in a little while she was out like a light. Sometimes if she's overtired I have to console her to sleep but most of the time she can get herself to sleep.
Posted 4/19/06 3:33 PM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: Can we talk Naps?
My boys don't have a set nap schedule but they noramlly nap once in the am, once in the early afternoon, and then again for about a 1/2 an hour after they eat dinner and before thier 8:00 feeding. After the 8:00 feeding they go right up to bed and sleep thru the night. The nap before their last bottle is like a little cap nap.
Posted 4/19/06 3:36 PM |

Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: Can we talk Naps?
Jacob is all over the map with naps. I can get a good morning nap outta him usually around 9am for an hour to hr and a half. Then the rest of the day is a total crapshoot and he gets sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cranky and overtired, and becomes a total BEAST!!! And when i do get him to sleep its only for 20 min. My luck he is a child who doesnt require that much sleep. wouldnt that just be the way it is for me????????????????????
Posted 4/19/06 4:47 PM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Can we talk Naps?
Jake started doing the same thing around that age. But he was still taking a third nap on and off. I would say you can try to put her down again at 4-4:30pm for a short nap. If she takes it, it will be short.
Just when I thought he was done with that third nap though, it came back. At 9 mos he still takes it almost every other day. So you can try that.
I also think Steph's suggestion of quiet time is an excellent idea. Sometimes that's all they need, is a break from the constant stimulation.
Posted 4/19/06 7:40 PM |