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Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

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My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

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Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

Dh has been freaking over our DD... he got her umbilical cord stuck on his shirt and tugged it a little, and you would have thought that he severly hurt her by the way he was acting for 2 days... walking around in a state of panic,.. then I had some mil issues... well needless to say, it all piled up, and last night I had a crying/screaming fit, and at one point I said that I almost wished she wasnt there (meaning DD)... so things could get back to normal... immediately I felt terrible for saying that and I totally didnt mean it... then I freaked myself out cause I was like.. what if this is PPD! I gave birth Saturday... is this normal? Am I a bad mom? Am I having PPD? I got over it pretty quick, and today feeling better.. I mean I am still a little snappy, but I think that's normal, right? TIA!

Posted 4/27/07 11:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

very NORMAL. I was the same way right after i gave birth and a few months after. it gets better, just remember when you need help ask for it, so that you don't stress yourself out.

Posted 4/27/07 11:49 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

It's normal. You just had your baby and your hormones are crazy right now Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/07 11:50 AM

I'm 2!

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

i had really bad PPD and yes i wished DD wasnt here at the time. i actually was very depressed, cried all the time and slept. my family and dh took care of DD for me bc i physically couldnt even look at her. i wanted my old life back. but luckliy it all passed and i no loger feel that way. talk to someone if it keeps happpeing. u may have up and down days

Posted 4/27/07 11:52 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

Normal..Went through the same thing..Hormones are making you emotional.

Posted 4/27/07 11:53 AM

My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

Posted by nancygrace

i had really bad PPD and yes i wished DD wasnt here at the time. i actually was very depressed, cried all the time and slept. my family and dh took care of DD for me bc i physically couldnt even look at her. i wanted my old life back. but luckliy it all passed and i no loger feel that way. talk to someone if it keeps happpeing. u may have up and down days

It only lasted for like 5 mins.. then I went downstairs and as soon as I saw her I was in love again... I guess I'm just overwhelmed and just looking for everything to be normal. LOL

Posted 4/27/07 11:54 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

It's totally normal! Please don't feel bad about it! DS is five months next week and I still have my days.....mostly because he is such a poor sleeper....but you just gave birth and have a very helpless baby to care for- your feelings are normal! It gets easier every day! Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/07 12:11 PM

Growing up fast!

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

Posted by Cookiegobbler

Posted by nancygrace

i had really bad PPD and yes i wished DD wasnt here at the time. i actually was very depressed, cried all the time and slept. my family and dh took care of DD for me bc i physically couldnt even look at her. i wanted my old life back. but luckliy it all passed and i no loger feel that way. talk to someone if it keeps happpeing. u may have up and down days

It only lasted for like 5 mins.. then I went downstairs and as soon as I saw her I was in love again... I guess I'm just overwhelmed and just looking for everything to be normal. LOL

Finding the "new normal" takes a while. Everything that you are feeling is so common after delivery. You need to give yourself some time to adjust and it's very overwhelming (especially in the beginning). Even after the adjustments period, there are good days and there are bad. You'll be fine! Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/07 12:13 PM

party of five

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

I think what you are going thru is normal. It must be rough to have your whole world change in the matter of hours. I am sure it will get better with some time. We are here for you!!

Posted 4/27/07 12:36 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

It is totally normal. I was very emotional, upset, etc. the first few weeks. It is a huge adjustment.

If it doesn't get better then I would def talk to someoneChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/07 12:40 PM

too excited for words

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

It's very normal. I remember after ebing home for a wek I was supposed to go to my friends baby shower. My DH couldn't fit the gift in my car and broke a part of it. I went absolutle ballistic and threw myself in bed and refused to go to the party. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
It's just a very stressful time. It WILL get better, I can promise you that. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/07 12:46 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

totally normal, I cried every day for 2 weeks straight after I had my Dh felt so bad, he did not know what to say or do

I cried when she would not latch on

I cried when I heard her cry

I cried when she would have stomach cramps

I cried when I thought of the fact that I was someone's mom (this one still gets me sometimes) Chat Icon

I cried when Dh went back to work after 2 weeks of being home with me

It will pass....I was fine after those first 2 weeks passed

Posted 4/27/07 1:24 PM

My guys

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

ITs totally normal....and it may not be the last breakdown either. Your hormones will make you feel like you're on a rollercoaster ride. But know we've been there!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/07 1:27 PM

My Everything!

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

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I have not yet reached the point where I wished DS wasn't here, BUT last night after the 80th time he woke up after finally settling down, I picked him up, put him on the bed, and began pounding my legs and cursing and crying - DH woke up startled.

I just had to put him down. I knew I wouldnt hurt Cailen, but I realized I was picking him up like he wasnt a baby, and just this inanimate screaming thing, and it scared me. I didnt want to be angry at him because its not his fault, but I just couldnt do it another minute last night - I just needed a minute to pull myself together.

I'm doing this alone because DH wakes up early for work and is gone all day, so its me all night and all day. Last night it got to me. I felt so guilty after, and held him and kissed him. Even DH woke up to kiss him before going back to sleep.

Its hard right now - but I know a lot of moms go thru this and it will get better...

Posted 4/27/07 1:27 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

So normal! I also wished DD wasn't around the first couple of weeks. I remember saying to myself, "What was I *thinking* wanting a baby????" I also went through a lot of other things I won't bore you with, but it was never PPD...totally "baby blues."

You've got to know that you've just undergone an enormous life change, and along with all the hormone craziness, you'd probably be unusual if you didn't have a couple of "episodes!"

Hang in there! Glad you're feeling better and remember, we've all been there in one form or another!
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Posted 4/27/07 2:08 PM

Happy Days!

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

I cried everyday for almost 2 weeks after Noah was born. Normal Normal Normal.

Posted 4/27/07 3:12 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

awwww...perfectly normal. I remember yelling at DH then burning my arm on the iron (totally by accident) because I was in such a state of hysteria. I have a really nasty scar. Then I told him "I wish things would just go back to normal already."

You're hormones are still out of wack.

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Posted 4/27/07 3:33 PM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

Totally normal.

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Posted 4/27/07 3:48 PM

Life is Good

Member since 6/06

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

I think it has a lot to do with the lack of sleep.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/07 4:29 PM

Mommy of 2

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

What you're feeling is totally normal. I had nights like that a lot the first month or so. One got so bad, I wanted to just run away. The lack of sleep and the hormones make you crazy, but it does get better!Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/07 4:32 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

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Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

i think it's probably normal. You're just overwhelmed and still full of hormones. It'll get better and if it doesn't keep talking about it. that will help.

Posted 4/27/07 4:36 PM

My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

5759 total posts


Re: Can you make me feel better... had my first breakdown since delivering..

Thanks so much everyone!! It is really a nice feeling to know that there is a place where I can vent with no judgement and hear that everything I am feeling is normal!! You ladies are the best!Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/07 4:38 PM

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