LIF Infant
Member since 1/07 56 total posts
Can you sponsor me in the March of Dimes, March for Babies?
Hi, Im not usually on here, I usually post on the nest, but I thought you ladies could help.
click here to sponsor me
You can click the above link if you want to help, even a dollar would be appreciated. My team has a long way to go to reach our goal. Just as some background, I am walking on a team for Bella Rose and for some other people near and dear to my heart who have all lost a baby or have had a preemie.
Last year a team was formed in the March for Babies, for a very special girl, Isabella Rose Mislin, or Bella as she is called. Bella was born on July 23rd, 2006, 4 weeks early. She spent the first month of her life in the NICU at Stony Brook University Hospital for constant seizures and complications associated with them. To this day, Bella still has seizures and the complications are still there.
In addition to this team and Bella, I also will walk for baby Jack, whom I never personally met but whose story touched me. He was the only boy in a set of triplets and was born prematurely with his sisters. Sadly, Jack is now in heaven ( For my friend Courtney, whose little unborn baby Grace has been diagnosed with severe Spina Bifida and so so sadly, didnt make it and is now an angel baby. Also, for my best friend Jen, whose little boy Aidan, was born 2 months premature and I can happily say is a thriving 1-1/2 year old now. Lastly, but not least, for my childhood friend Dyanna, who on 3/30 gave birth to a little girl, Samantha Rose, a month early. Who is thankfully, a healthy baby girl.
The March of Dimes has changed the name of its biggest event to March for Babies. It's a great change because it makes it very clear exactly who I am walking for -- all babies. I am very excited to be a part of the first March for Babies; please support my participation.
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Can you sponsor me in the March of Dimes, March for Babies?
Melissa -- Your mission is a great one and I am sure you will reach your goal. It is a wonderful thing you are doing and my eyes have welled up reading about all these babies.
I know a lot of us on here are marching on other teams for people we know personally who have had the tragedy of losing a child. But in the end, it is all going to MoD and that is what is important.
Good luck!!