My Children

Member since 5/05 7905 total posts
Name: MaMa
Car Seat Maker Issues Safety Alert
(AP) EXTON, Pa. Graco Children's Products issued a safety alert to consumers who use certain car seats because of a potential problem with a belt.
The lower anchorage belt on the ComfortSport convertible car seats may be misrouted, allowing the seat back angle to exceed 70 degrees in a frontal crash, the company said. The position poses a risk of injury, Graco said. It said no such injuries had been reported.
The company will mail or e-mail instructions to anyone who bought ComfortSport five-point harness convertible car seats that were made in Ohio from Jan. 2 through July 31.
Consumers should not use the seat in the rear-facing position with a vehicle's latch anchor until the belt routing has been inspected or corrected. In the meantime, a seat belt can be used instead of the vehicle's latch anchor.
The notice may affect the following model numbers: 8629TWL, 8630MTR, 8631DFT, 8631DRA, 8632PSO, 8635TAC, 8639COS, 8C00BLG, 8C00DMN, 8C00GRP, 8C00LNW, 8C00MID, 8C00TMB, 8C01SVD, 8C01WTN, 8C02MGI, 8C02MRC, 8C03HAL, 8C03WCF, 8C04FRR, 8433FOF.
The model number and manufacture date are on a label found on the back of the seat.
The safety notice does not apply to consumers who use the seats in the forward-facing position.
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: Car Seat Maker Issues Safety Alert
Thanks! I just bought a Maggie that I was going to install next week. I guess not now!
Ohh it's something I can fix myself I see
Message edited 8/24/2007 6:22:01 PM.