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carrying low...

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LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

914 total posts


carrying low...

so im a teacher and you can only guess all the women at work are always looking at me and asking if im ok (which is fine)

BUT one woman said i was carrying VERY low... now im concerned, is it really low??? and i already feel the pressure down there b/c im 20 weeks and feeling the weight, so is it ok to be that low...

i dont have any pics, but the bump is all under my belly button..

should i be concerned???

Posted 9/16/08 8:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: carrying low...

I wouldn't be concerned. At this point, your uterus is still low in your stomach....its only as you get into the later weeks that it gets higher. People always have something to sayChat Icon

Posted 9/16/08 9:52 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07

833 total posts


Re: carrying low...

I am still a little low in my opinion at 30 weeks. I feel a ton of pressure and the ob wasnt concerned at all. SHe likes to chill lower in my body!
I get all kinds of movements now in the upper belly though too...
Dont worry at all. Everyone is different and the body carries pregnancies different. Someone told me about a belt you can buy that can sometimes help the back and ease the pressure.


Posted 9/17/08 4:01 PM

Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08

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Re: carrying low...

I'm 22 weeks and carrying low too. DR was not concerned at all.

Posted 9/17/08 4:42 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

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Re: carrying low...

I have a chart in one of my books-- that basically shows where your uterus should be based on how many weeks you are... think along the lines of counting the rings on a tree to see how old it is.. You can probably find something similar online if you google.

Anyway, you and I are pretty much at the same point-- and I think your uterus is still basically at belly button level or just below.

People are idiots... I mean, you are still pretty early to be carrying any way at all!

Posted 9/17/08 5:21 PM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

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Re: carrying low...

Posted by want2beamom

I wouldn't be concerned. At this point, your uterus is still low in your stomach....its only as you get into the later weeks that it gets higher. People always have something to sayChat Icon

Ditto, I was carrying really low at 20 weeks and my dr said its normal, and will move up in a few weeks, which it did..I'm still low relatively speaking but definitely higher than I was..and the wives tale is ur carrying low, ur carrying a Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/17/08 6:32 PM

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