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Changing themes in your baby's room...

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Changing themes in your baby's room...

I think I asked something similar to this before... but I was wondering when you get your child a Toddler bed, do you think it would be a good idea to somewhat change the theme of their room? Right now my son's room is Cat In the Hat/Dr. Seuss theme. He is not really interested in it. I thought he might like something more with Elmo, Shrek, etc. He seems to be growing up on me.... Chat Icon I don't anticipate him climbing out of his crib yet, but you never know. We're not getting him a Toddler Bed probably not until he's around 2, earlier if he starts climbing out of course. I was just wondering. I thought he'd feel like a real big boy if we changed some stuff in his room when he gets his bed and bedding. So it's official! What do you think? Thanks!

Posted 7/8/05 11:35 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05

2048 total posts


Re: Changing themes in your baby's room...

I did the exact same thing. He originally had a bears and baseball theme in his room... when he turned 2 we changed to the toddler bed and changed his whole room around. He LOVES cars. He is obsessed with them. So we got him the Little Tikes race car bed and I put up a new nascar border, changed to a nascar rug, etc.
Now it looks like a big boy room and I find he plays in there alot more!
When people come over he drags them into his room to show them his car bed and rug... he is so proud of them.

Posted 7/8/05 1:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

759 total posts


Re: Changing themes in your baby's room...

I think it's personal preference really. We switched Paul to a toddler bed a few months ago, in preparation for using the crib for the new baby. We decided to leave the decor in his room "as is" for now, b/c between the transition to the big boy bed and the new baby on the way, he's going to be experiencing enough change for a little guy.

In a way, I'm glad we didn't do anything radical to his room b/c he did end up having some sleep issues in the first few weeks w/the new bed.

Posted 7/9/05 10:04 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Changing themes in your baby's room...

Because our house is so small, and even though we have 4 bedrooms they are all accounted for, we did not do a theme in Andrew's room. We didn't even put up a border. We knew this would be his big boy room too, so all I am going to do when that time comes is maybe move some furniture and get different curtains.

Posted 7/9/05 10:29 PM

We made it to 8 years

Member since 5/05

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Re: Changing themes in your baby's room...

When we did Jilliasn room I looked for something that also carried into A big girl room She has flowers and Butterflies still girly

Posted 7/10/05 5:17 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Changing themes in your baby's room...

When I did marissa's room I did clouds, sun, moons and stars so this can go for a big girls room as well but I have time for that anyway

Posted 7/11/05 2:59 PM

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