Character building - Cooperation - ice breaker Activities
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Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Character building - Cooperation - ice breaker Activities
Anyone have any general lessons to get students to interact, cooperation, relate with one another.
Posted 1/10/07 4:03 PM |
aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06 4268 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Character building - Cooperation - ice breaker Activities
Today we did Statue Makers
They were paired up and had to think of 2 things they do for fun (you could also do what they want to be when they grow up)
Their partner poses them like a statue to show everyone what hobbies they do and then they explain what they posed them as.
Posted 1/10/07 7:27 PM |
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