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Child Health Plus

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Member since 5/06

3808 total posts


Child Health Plus

Does anyone have it???? Im going to need it when my baby come because my insurance and my DH's insurance stinks. the baby would not be covered. I would have to pay between 300-400 a month for coverage.

Child Health Plus has plans that are only 100-170. I dont qualify for the cheap plans, because we make over the amount. I just wanted info on it. TIA

Posted 6/27/06 11:41 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: Child Health Plus

my cousin has it for her daughter, overall it is good b/c she doesnt pay for the health coverage or meds BUT she needs a refferral to see drs which i think can be sucha burden

Posted 6/27/06 11:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

982 total posts


Re: Child Health Plus


I have it for Ava and it has been the greatest thing! :)

DH's insurance is either self, self and spouse or family. It doesn't pay for family becuase we only have one child. We are actually paying less for self and spouse and then CHP for Ava.

We have HIP but are swithcing to UHC. They are cheaper. We were paying $158 with HIP and will now pay $118. The ped is in both (that was the most important thing for me). They had other plans like Fidelis or something that was even cheaper, but my Ped was not a part oof that plan.

I don't know that you need referals but I can't say for sure because thank God Ava has not needed a specialist for anything. Oh, and everything is covered, SOUP TO NUTS!

My DH went to pick up a prescription for me the other day and was like what's the copay? I was like it is free.. He was like, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I really like it. However, when we have another child, it will most like make more financial sense to go to his employers family plan.

It is very late and I am exhausted, so if this makes no sense, please fm me or just ask! :)

Good luck in whatever you choose. I say go for it... Just like having private insurance, except the gov't kicks in some!

Message edited 6/27/2006 10:56:30 PM.

Posted 6/27/06 10:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Child Health Plus

I have it and am so relieved as it would have cost me nearly $500 to add DD to my ped takes it and I have E.Blue far no problems...I think we pay about $160 per month for her.

I am so glad a friend of mine told me about this as I didnt think we would qualify.

I think they should have all this info at the hosptial for you but they dont.

Posted 6/28/06 9:20 AM

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