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Child schedules

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what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Child schedules

What are your children's feeding/sleep/bath schedule?

I feel that I'm going about my DS's schedule wrong, so I need suggestions as to what works for other parents.

Posted 9/18/06 11:54 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Message edited 2/8/2007 3:26:45 PM.

Posted 9/18/06 12:21 PM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Posted by anon

whatever seems to work that day Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i try to give baths at night before bedtime - bath, bottle, bed. however just when i think she has established one schedule, it changes the following day Chat Icon

we try to shoot for the following, and 6 times out of 10 it works Chat Icon :

wake up - boob/bottle
1/2 hour - hour nap 1.5-2 hours later
boob/bottle at around 3 hours from last feeding
1/2 hour nap - hour 1.5-2 hours later
boob/bottle at around 3 hours from last feeding
1/2 hour nap - hour 1.5-2 hours later (this one is a cr@p shoot)
boob/bottle at around 3 hours from last feeding
sleep for the night Chat Icon

this morning DD REFUSED to nap, she is just getting around to it now Chat Icon

So you only feed her 4x/day? At what times? DS eats @ 7, 10, 1-2ish, 6, and 10ish. I wonder if he should be eating less... he's not getting chubby or anything, but is big & healthy. Maybe I should ask the pediatrician? lol.

Posted 9/18/06 12:36 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Message edited 2/8/2007 3:26:54 PM.

Posted 9/18/06 1:09 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Posted by anon

whatever seems to work that day Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i try to give baths at night before bedtime - bath, bottle, bed. however just when i think she has established one schedule, it changes the following day Chat Icon

we try to shoot for the following, and 6 times out of 10 it works Chat Icon :

wake up - boob/bottle
1/2 hour - hour nap 1.5-2 hours later
boob/bottle at around 3 hours from last feeding
1/2 hour nap - hour 1.5-2 hours later
boob/bottle at around 3 hours from last feeding
1/2 hour nap - hour 1.5-2 hours later (this one is a cr@p shoot)
boob/bottle at around 3 hours from last feeding
sleep for the night Chat Icon

this morning DD REFUSED to nap, she is just getting around to it now Chat Icon

Please mine went down for his morning nap at 10:30 and he fought me. He's still sleeping...

Posted 9/18/06 1:09 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Child schedules

we have settled into the fololowing routine....times may vary:

wake up (7-8am)
eat breakfast
about 1 hr later, bottle then nap (usually 2 hrs long)
wake up/play
about 1 hr later-bottle then nap (1-2 hrs, 30-45 min if we are at work)
wake up
dinner (around 4 but sometimes as late as 5:30ish)
bedtime bottle (bedtime is almost ALWAYS between 6-7 aside from the RARE ocassion shes out late or something)

ETA: we started bathing her EVERY night when she was off baby food's just SO messy when she feeds herself.

ETA #2: I swear by Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy child by Dr Weissbluth. I did not hold to a timed schedule, but that two hour window of awake time is SO almost 9 months old sometimes she still can't stay awake that long after waking up in the AM. DD also fell into her routine, so it was a little of following her lead and maintaining the intervals of time.

Message edited 9/18/2006 7:17:06 PM.

Posted 9/18/06 7:14 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Ok, SOMEONE needs to tell JT that I am not an idiot and that she DOES need to go down for a nap every two hours. I mean, hello, the kid NEVER naps for you and ALWAYS naps for me, so don't you think that maybe I know what I'm talking about??Chat Icon

Posted 9/18/06 7:25 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Well, she's the Queen of the catnap. So naps are NO longer than an hour(usually 30 minutes).

She eats half a jar of veggies and fruit at 6pm. I bathe her around 6:30, read her a book, give her a bottle, and she's out like a light at 7pm. She wakes up anywhere from 6-7am.

Posted 9/18/06 7:33 PM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Wow. What are you guys feeding DC to sleep almost 12 hours... ugh.. IF ONLY! lol.

Posted 9/18/06 9:29 PM

Love my little ladies

Member since 2/06

1225 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Wake up 6am- Bottle

9am- 1/2 fruit and oatmeal with a bottle

1 hour nap (varies)

Lunch-Between 12 and 1- Veg and Fruit followed by a bottle

Nap 1-2 hours

Dinner Between 4- and 5pm fruit and veg followed by a bottle

Bedtime between 6 and 7

I give baths in the morning usually every other day.

Posted 9/18/06 10:24 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Wake up between 6&7am - 7oz bottle
After bottle he goes down for a nap for about 1-2 hours
Breakfest 9/10am 1tbspn of cereal and half jar of veggie then 4oz bottle
11:30 I try to put him down for nap but doesnt always happen today he actaully slept until 1:40.
12/1pm 7oz bottle
3/4 7oz bottle
5:30/6 he gets a bath, creamed up, 7oz bottle then he is asleep usually by 6:30.
He will take some naps in the afternoon but its different every day.

Posted 9/18/06 11:01 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

291 total posts


Re: Child schedules

Wake around 5:30-6 eat, play for 30-45 min then 2-3 hr nap

Eat again around 9 or 10 play for 45 min, nap

Eat around 1 or 2 play then nap (if I am lucky)

Eat around 5 or 6 play then cat nap

Bath around 8, eat then bed

Posted 9/19/06 7:24 AM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Child schedules

What's a schedule Chat Icon

I nurse on demand and just happy when DD actually does nap or sleep Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/06 7:49 AM

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