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Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

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Member since 10/08

4952 total posts


Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

Money is tight. Really tight.

Do you think it's terrible if I send an email to my family saying we wil only be buying gifts for children?

I have two cousins who have wives & one child each, I already planned on telling them lets just buy for kids (so they wouldn't buy for us either)

However, i also have two uncles who who have wives & kids (2 kids & 4 kids). I was thinking of just telling them I'm only buying for kids this year too. We'd still buy for our parents & siblings (who don't have children).


My aunts & uncles actually do very well financially- I'd say they qualify as "very high upper class" or even "rich". they may still want to get us gifts, since we are their niece/nephew...
I feel terrible, but I just don't know how else to swing it this year..

Posted 11/4/10 10:29 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08

859 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

Ever since I've been with DH that is what his brothers and sisters do. There are now 14 kids total, so we buy for the 12 nieces and nephews (not their parents, or sometimes we just do something small like an ornament for the adults). Three of these "kids" are now over 18 so I'm not sure when we'll stop buying for them Chat Icon

Another very large family I know does a Secret Santa/Grab bag thing so each adult gets one nice (about $100 gift??) gift.

Posted 11/4/10 10:38 AM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

No I stopped buying everyone a couple of years ago. I have kids now. It's too expensive. I already buy for 20 people including my own kids, my parents, other kids in the family (cousins, nieces, nephews), teachers, etc.

What about a secret santa type thing?

Posted 11/4/10 10:50 AM


Member since 5/05

7557 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

My family has been doing it this way for a few years now. Works out great!

Posted 11/4/10 11:00 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

Both of our families also do the secret santa thing also.

We do it for those over 16.

Posted 11/4/10 11:03 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/09

635 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

On DH's side we only buy for the kids because there are just too many people. And on my side we do Secret Santa so everyone gets something! Everyone has been fine with it. I think it also took a lot of pressure off the holiday and we enjoy it more

Posted 11/4/10 11:11 AM

I am all the Me I will ever Be

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She who shall remain nameless

Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

We do this in our family. It was getting crazy buying for everyone. Money is too tight for us. Now I only buy for nieces and nephews. My sister, parents and DH parents.

Posted 11/4/10 11:12 AM


Member since 1/10

21015 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

we actually started doing a kris kringle with the kids... each adult gets one kid... so each couple buys for 2 kids...

Posted 11/4/10 11:15 AM

Ohhhh yeaaahh!!

Member since 6/10

1033 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

Secret Santa is the way to go! My side of the family has been doing this for a few years and we just introduced the idea to DH's side of the family who loved ithe idea and we are going to try it with them for the first time this xmas.

It works out great bc first everyone gets a gift. Second, it saves you money bc your only buying for one person (your secret santa) and it leaves you with more money to spend on the children of the family. You can even discuss putting a price limit on the gift with the family.

What my family does is on thanksgiving we all put our names in a hat listing 3 things we would like or ideas of things we would like for christmas for someone to choose. Iv'e also seen families do fun secret santa's where you pick a name from one hat and pic a store from another hat. So you may get like your grandfather and the grocery store lol. Its a fun and cute idea as well.

Posted 11/4/10 11:16 AM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

My SIL and I decided last year that we'd not do sibling gifts any longer- now we just buy for my nephew (her and my brother's boy) and they buy for my DD. Much easier.

Posted 11/4/10 11:29 AM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

7376 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

In our family, we do Secret Santa for the adults and only buy for the kids.

Posted 11/4/10 11:37 AM

Love baby feet

Member since 2/09

2894 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

We do this in my family too. I have 10 cousins and 7 nieces and nephews and we only buy for them, it really makes it it so much easier.

Posted 11/4/10 1:01 PM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

We don't (amongst the siblings) buy for each other anymore, just the kids.

Posted 11/4/10 1:36 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

I think it's fine as long as you get a gift for those without kids.

I don't exchange with cousins, only siblings.

Posted 11/4/10 4:26 PM

my little loves

Member since 8/08

18453 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

we use elfster and do a kris kringle!

we are actually having 2 this year, one with the entire family and then one with just my siblings and their husbands/wives.

everyone buys for the kiddies Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/10 4:37 PM

LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07

16202 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

this year i am only giving to the kids.. we talked it over with the family and friends.. i think its a good idea!

Posted 11/4/10 4:39 PM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

We only buy for the kids and the grandparents (sign it from the kids). It works out great!

Posted 11/4/10 5:02 PM


Member since 4/08

2516 total posts


Re: Christmas Gifts..only buying for kids?

i would definitely suggest just buying for the kids..

if you really feel bad about just buying for kids what about all the adults doing a secret santa and making a $50 limit?

OR what might be really fun is everyone brings a $50 gift and you play dirty santa!!

Posted 11/4/10 5:03 PM

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