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City Mini vs. City Elite...HELP!

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1443 total posts


City Mini vs. City Elite...HELP!

I tried posting this on the preggers board, but figured I should post here for you BTDT mommies!!!

Ok, so for those of you that have seen my previous posts, I already have the City Mini, but I REALLY want the City Elite. I know it's nuts to have both, but one of my g/f does and she swears its good to have both. I think it's a waste, so, which do you think is better, the mini or the elite. I'm worried about DC not being able to sit up comfortably in the mini, is the elite any better? I am having such a hard time making this decision, and I'm driving my DH crazy!!! LOL

Posted 6/10/10 8:48 PM
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Re: City Mini vs. City Elite...HELP!

I just recently bought the Citi Classic double stroller. I was looking for something a little more sturdy that the Mini, but not as expensive as the Elite. The Select actually replaced this strolller, so it's discontinued.

I got it because I think DS will be fine in it. I don't know this from experience though. But the back seems to be sturdy enough. And the Elite is a little more sturdy than the Classic.

I like the tires on the Classic/Elite. I go for walks and that is huge for me.

Posted 6/10/10 8:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1443 total posts


Re: City Mini vs. City Elite...HELP!

I know, that's what I was thinking too! And, over the summer we go to the beach a lot. My parents have a house at the beach. I'm due August 3rd, but I'm thinking more for next year! I think I might return city mini and go for the Elite!

Posted 6/10/10 9:46 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/08

570 total posts


Re: City Mini vs. City Elite...HELP!

I have the Elite and I love it! Its a little heavier than the mini but otherwise, I think its a better stroller. It has an adjustable handle which I needed because DH is really tall and he was kicking the bottom of the mini when we "test drove" it.

I definitely don't think that you need both strollers!

Posted 6/10/10 9:48 PM

number 3...coming soon!

Member since 4/09

1811 total posts


Re: City Mini vs. City Elite...HELP!

I have the mini and although many people absolutely love this stroller, I do not love it for my 7 month old. I hate the way he sits in it. I love stroller itself, but I think it will be better for DS when he's older and bigger. I actually just bought the Graco Metrolite. I would definitely go try out the strollers first with a child and see which one you like better.

Posted 6/10/10 9:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1443 total posts


Re: City Mini vs. City Elite...HELP!

I am still having such a hard time deciding! I'm making myself and hubby crazy! Now, DH says he saw someone with the bassinet feature in it and thinks that's a great idea...I just said...Shoot me now...I can't think about this anymore! LOL

Posted 6/13/10 9:17 PM

number 3...coming soon!

Member since 4/09

1811 total posts


Re: City Mini vs. City Elite...HELP!

Posted by GottaHaveFaith

I am still having such a hard time deciding! I'm making myself and hubby crazy! Now, DH says he saw someone with the bassinet feature in it and thinks that's a great idea...I just said...Shoot me now...I can't think
about this anymore! LOL

I think that the elite is better for infants and the mini is good for after one year old.

Posted 6/14/10 8:06 AM

My happy babies

Member since 3/06

3428 total posts


Re: City Mini vs. City Elite...HELP!

i don't have either - but i loved having a bassinet to put my baby in

there are no straps - easy to transfer to crib if need be - my son slept wonderfullly in it

i found it easy to keep one stroller all set for long walks - i walked about 2 miles everyday with my son when i was not workning - then i kept a snap and go in the car for quick trips

now i have a mcclaren in the car now that he is out of the infant seat - similar idea to a citi mini i think -

so i could see using both

Posted 6/14/10 8:53 AM

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