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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08 850 total posts
Name: K
College savings?
I was just wondering how all of you are saving for your SC's college education? We REALLY need to start. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do that. Any advice?
Posted 3/18/10 10:10 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1005 total posts
Name: Chris
Re: College savings?
unfortunately we have not been saving for SD's college tuition.
DH and BM have an agreement that they will split the cost of tuition 50/50, but he has not set any money aside yet. We are just getting by right now with our own expenses and getting CS paid on time every month that we just don't worry about it right now.
Posted 3/18/10 1:56 PM |
I love this boy!

Member since 4/07 3372 total posts
Re: College savings?
btwn legal fees and child support, college is null and void right now. my dh feels he should earn scholarships and get aid/loans to truly aprpeciate college and not just eff around...he feels if he has to work for it, he'll do better.
my parents paid for my undergrad and for a while i didn't understand or truly appreciate it, i am paying back for my grad and i def tried harder on my dime so i could see what my husb is going with it...
sorry i wasn't much help
Posted 3/18/10 9:56 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/08 99 total posts
Name: Gail
Re: College savings?
Posted by ziamaria
btwn legal fees and child support, college is null and void right now. my dh feels he should earn scholarships and get aid/loans to truly aprpeciate college and not just eff around...he feels if he has to work for it, he'll do better.
my parents paid for my undergrad and for a while i didn't understand or truly appreciate it, i am paying back for my grad and i def tried harder on my dime so i could see what my husb is going with it...
sorry i wasn't much help
ITA! I paid for both my undergrad and grad school! If my parents had paid for it, I honestly probably wouldnt have worked as hard. SS will be paying for his own college, with the help of loans, scholarships and/or aid, and so will my own children if they choose to go to college.
Posted 3/19/10 1:38 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 12/09 211 total posts
Name: S.
Re: College savings?
Posted by Gail80
Posted by ziamaria
btwn legal fees and child support, college is null and void right now. my dh feels he should earn scholarships and get aid/loans to truly aprpeciate college and not just eff around...he feels if he has to work for it, he'll do better.
my parents paid for my undergrad and for a while i didn't understand or truly appreciate it, i am paying back for my grad and i def tried harder on my dime so i could see what my husb is going with it...
sorry i wasn't much help
ITA! I paid for both my undergrad and grad school! If my parents had paid for it, I honestly probably wouldnt have worked as hard. SS will be paying for his own college, with the help of loans, scholarships and/or aid, and so will my own children if they choose to go to college.
This is my plan, both for Skids and my own children...I will make sure they work hard so that they can get scholarships...if not, they will do as I and their dad have as you go or take loans.
Posted 3/22/10 7:44 PM |
It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07 6453 total posts
Name: Jeannine
Re: College savings?
We have a 529 plan. I also paid for my own college, never got a drop of aide because my parents "made too much" - they had 7 kids there was no saving for college tuitions.
I am still paying back my loans. Anything I can do to help my children to not graduate $50K in debt (times however many years of inflation) I will do.
Posted 3/23/10 3:53 PM |
Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07 10116 total posts
Name: Gabi
Re: College savings?
DH has 3 children (5, 7 and 9) and according to the Divorce decree, is to pay his pro rata share (75%) of SUNY tuition. We have no money to put into savings so I have no idea how the hell we are gonna manage this when the time comes. We have 2 DDs together, and it kind of makes me mad that his percentage is so high and not 50/50 with his ex. Unfortunately, the year he got the divorce, she had just started back to work and only made $20K that year so (previously she was a SAHM) so the pro rata share was calculated on their salaries then. I have about 90K in School debt and hope that I can help out my DDs so they don't have to deal with the same. I guess I'll be saving on my own.
Posted 3/29/10 5:57 PM |