Love being a twin mommy!

Member since 5/07 2934 total posts
Name: Michele
Colton Arnold and Reese Catherine 8/5/10
I am FINALLY getting around to writing my birth story (the twins are both sleeping...fingers crossed that I get through this )
Well, I ended up making it to 38 weeks and was scheduled for a c-section because DD was breech. I went in and was being prepped for the surgery. I was very nervous about the spinal and the recovery, but wanted to meet my LO's! Ten minutes before my scheduled surgery time, my doc showed up and said she wanted to do one last sono to see the position of the babies. Well, low and behold, DD is vertex! I asked the doctor to check again because they have mistakenly thought she was vertex before (and I didn't feel any big movements). She said she was certain DD was vertex and asked if I wanted to try for a vaginal delivery, instead. I was in shock! So, I talked it over with DH and we decided to go for it.
The next thing I know, they take off my little surgery cap and I am being wheeled into a L&D room. DH had to go get my parents, who were in the waiting room waiting to hear that the babies were born via c-section!
They started the pitocin at around 10:00am and broke my water. Aside from how gross the water leaking felt, I was in good spirits. I was having irregular contractions for hours and they just kept increasing the drip. After a while, the contractions were more intense, so I asked for the epidural. It felt really weird, but wasn't bad. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me...I was numb on my right side, but felt everything on my left side! Plus, I ended up having a panic attack when I couldn't feel or control my right leg, which was super numb. My nurse was great, though, and got me through it pretty quickly.
Finally, in an hour, I went from 5cm to fully dilated and ready to push by 8:00pm. I pushed for three hours, threw up a bunch of times, and had terrible reflux (I could still have had a c-section, so I wasn't allowed to eat in over 24 hours!). DS was sunny side up and I had TERRIBLE back labor. His head got stuck behind my pubic bone, so all of my pushing really got me nowhere. I was then moved to the OR because I was still in danger of needing a c-section. They ended up needing to use a vacuum to get DS out...thank God because I was crying that I just couldn't push or take the pain anymore, by that point! After he came out (most amazing moment of my life!), I said, "oh God, I still have another one",
So, the doc checks, looks up at me and says, "she is breech again"....I knew it!!! Thank God this was the one doctor in the practice that does breech extractions. I really didn't want to go that route, but my only other choice was getting knocked out and having an emergency c-section. After pushing for three hours, I didn't want to have to recover from a c-section and a vaginal delivery...that had always been my worst nightmare. I said, "is she in a position that you can pull her out?". So, the doc reached in and pulled DD out by her feet.
Both babies were really healthy, though DS wasn't breathing right, but he was fine by the time I got out of the OR. I ended up tearing and needing stitches, but overall I had a really easy recovery.
We welcomed Colton Arnold at 10:53pm, 6lbs 4ozs and Reese Catherine at 10:58pm, 4lbs 12oz. on 8/5/10
Message edited 9/19/2010 3:58:24 PM.