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Concerned about my son

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LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Concerned about my son

Hi everyone, I am very concerned about my 6 month old son. My twins were born 36 weeks, my son I am referring to experienced growth restriction and was born at 3.15lbs and in NICU for 10 days in an incubator. From the time I brought my son home I felt like something was off. He wasn't consoled by us and then over time that changed and now looks for us. He received an EI eval at 3 months and qualified for PT due to toriticollis. He was recently discharged but still has low muscle tone. When he had the special ed eval, there were no concerns at the time for 3 months in any other area. I am concerned because I feel like we go forward and backward so to speak. He's back to not sleeping through the night, he wakes up screaming in the middle of the night and is inconsolable for whatever reason. He was on solids and recently started gagging himself and is refusing to eat after 3 months of no issues with solid foods. He has always had a strong personality, very "outspoken" so to speak and bossy. He's recently been out of control in my eyes, he has become aggressive towards himself, hitting his stomach when he's upset, a lot of rage, he growls which where he learned this I have no idea. We also tried CIO one night and he got so upset he scratched his entire head up and has little cuts because of it. He also stopped playing. He's never really laughed. I mean you can dance circles around him and nothing. I just I am at a loss. I am a licensed special educator and a BCBA and have years of experience as a behavior analyst but when it comes to my own kid, my judgement is so clouded and I cannot determine if this is normal or if I should be concerned. His twin brother is NOTHING and I meant nothing like him at all, his brother is very loving, laughs all the time, playful, engages with us and is flying through his development. I'm just so confused. I always try and keep in mind they are two different children just happened to be born at the same time. We spend time mostly together but always try and give each baby as much individual attention as we can. They play together with me and separate with me and I just don't seem to feel as though everything is ok and I can't pin point it.

I also wanted to add- medical ruled out. He had a physical and blood work, no concerns.

Message edited 7/26/2017 8:33:25 AM.

Posted 7/26/17 8:07 AM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: Concerned about my son

Hi. I have almost 6 year old twins (so I get it about twins) and a 4 year old. My twins received services in CPSE and one is completely phased out now and the other is in ICT.

My youngest has autism and was diagnosed a little before he turned 3. I noticed little things-he liked to sleep a lot (was told be thankful), didn't really smile (was told he's probably a late bloomer), stuff like that. Around 1 1/2 I was concerned he really wasn't speaking and my pediatrician said oh, boys start talking later, they have language explosion around 2. Well at 2 there was no language explosion and she referred us to an ENT to get an audiological screening. Fast forward, we had his tonsils and adenoids shaved (he did not need tubes), but the audiologist immediately said to me is he receiving speech? I said no. He said you should have him evaluated, he will definitely qualify.

We waited until after the surgery and recovery and by all then he 2.9 years old. Had a full eval through EI and he qualified for OT, PT, speech and they said do you want a psychological eval? I said ok, not really knowing what this was. It took about 2 months to schedule it because only certain agencies do it and that's when we received the diagnosis. We were shocked. Looking back, I wish I started the process sooner. I think deep down in my gut I suspected something but was hoping he would outgrow it.

DH was in denial at first. But is now his biggest advocate. 6 months is young because they are changing so much. But I think there's nothing like momma's intuition. You could always take him to a developmental pediatrician. An appointment will take several months to get anyhow.

Posted 7/26/17 12:56 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Concerned about my son

As you know every single child is different and all of them hit their milestones differently. 6 months is really way to young to be even thinking about him having any sort of delay especially since all of his medical came back fine. Maybe he is just a bad sleeper and a serious child. Nothing wrong with that. I think that since you are in the industry and know the signs and also have a twin to compare him too that it is harder for you than most. Just keep stimulating him with various things and see how it progresses. You can like the PP said, set up an appointment with a Dev Ped but there is really nothing they will do at 6 months if there is nothing medically wrong.

Posted 7/26/17 1:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Concerned about my son

Thank you. Do either of you have a recommendation for a developmental pediatrician? I'm in port Jeff area

Posted 7/27/17 8:39 AM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Concerned about my son

Cohens is great. They have an office in Smithtown. I used Dr. Adesman and was fantastic. Many use Dr. Huang who is also great - she was training under Adesman when my daughter was going to him. Good luck!

Posted 7/27/17 5:45 PM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: Concerned about my son

We go to Cohen's also but in New Hyde Park. We see Dr. Victoria Chen. Have heard good things about Dr. Huang too. Don't think Adesman is taking on any new patients.

Posted 7/27/17 10:32 PM

Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08

2860 total posts


Concerned about my son

We like Cohen's too.. But I have to say - all those things you are describing.. he is only 6 months old! Both my kids didn't eat solids until 8 months - they both didn't sleep thru the night until after one years old. I mean, these are common things. I am also curious how he is "bossy" and out of control? What makes you say that? I just can not imagine that at 6 months old.. they are barely sitting up on their own.

Posted 7/28/17 3:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Concerned about my son

He is still very little. All babies are different. I would see how he is around a year. With regard to the dev ped, we see Dr. Huang.

Posted 7/28/17 4:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Re: Concerned about my son

Posted by Aries14

We like Cohen's too.. But I have to say - all those things you are describing.. he is only 6 months old! Both my kids didn't eat solids until 8 months - they both didn't sleep thru the night until after one years old. I mean, these are common things. I am also curious how he is "bossy" and out of control? What makes you say that? I just can not imagine that at 6 months old.. they are barely sitting up on their own.

He hits him self with his fists in the stomach when he's upset, he's barely consoleable and growls, actually growls and bangs his fist, my husband who is oblivious at times even commented on his rage so to speak

Posted 7/28/17 7:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Concerned about my son

My other son goes to Cohens for GI in smith town I'll look there, I believe they have one

Posted 7/28/17 7:02 PM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

7364 total posts


Re: Concerned about my son

Posted by Aries14

We like Cohen's too.. But I have to say - all those things you are describing.. he is only 6 months old! Both my kids didn't eat solids until 8 months - they both didn't sleep thru the night until after one years old. I mean, these are common things. I am also curious how he is "bossy" and out of control? What makes you say that? I just can not imagine that at 6 months old.. they are barely sitting up on their own.

I agree.

I'm in the field. I also have a 32 week preemie born in October this past year, she is 9 months old now.

I honestly can't imagine how your six month old baby is bossy (bossy?), out of control and is going into a rage. What exactly is setting him off in your view? If he has poor muscle tone, how he is punching himself in the stomach? I just can't picture this.

Maybe the gagging is related to his poor muscle tone or maybe he did not care for the food you were feeding him. My first DS didn't sleep through the night until six years old. He would wake up screaming, crying, for years. No joke.

The growling could be him playing with sounds.

At six months old, he might be a dysregulated, irritable baby. But I think you are ascribing too much to the behavior. He is six months old. What can he understand to be enraged about?

I wonder if a dev pediatrician would even see him at six months old. What does your regular pediatrician say about your concerns?

Message edited 7/28/2017 9:38:38 PM.

Posted 7/28/17 9:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

914 total posts


Re: Concerned about my son

You are the Mother. If you are concerned, explore all of the possibilities.
If it were me, I would do the following:
1) Take him to the Pediatrician. Discuss your concerns. Rule out anything physical.
2) Call EI. Ask to re-evaluate. Tell them about all past and current concerns. Don't shortchange your feelings.
3) Make an appointment with a Gastroenterologist. Maybe he has a dairy or food allergy. Maybe he doesn't have an actual allergy, he may have an intolerance. Ask about Celiac Disease and reflux.
4) Make an appointment with an allergist. Food as well as environmental allergies can make him uncomfortable.

Again, if you feel that there is something wrong, explore it.
Even if you are in Spec Ed Field, don't think that you are over analyzing. This is your baby, you are his Mother, if you feel that something is off, then it is.

Some babies are easy, sleep well, eat well and have a sunny disposition. Some do not. Sometimes it's their innate personality and sometimes it not. Also know that if it's hard right now, it won't always be.

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Posted 8/1/17 11:09 AM

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