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Contracting at 29 wks??? UPDATED AT BOTTOM

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He has my heart

Member since 12/07

1379 total posts


Contracting at 29 wks??? UPDATED AT BOTTOM

Sat morning woke up at 4am with horrible AF kind of cramps every 5 minutes, At first I thought maybe it could be gas pains. Nope. I can def tell the difference with these. So I called the dr he said that if he continues that I am to go to the hospital immediatley but they stopped. They came back today. I have to call for an appt first thing in the morning on Mon he said if it is to come back. Any idea on what happened? Is this what Braxton Hicks feels like or is it something else? Whats the dr gonna do to me tomorrow ? Im nervous......Chat Icon

Message edited 6/30/2008 2:06:38 PM.

Posted 6/29/08 9:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Contracting at 29 wks???

Could be Braxton Hicks. Make sure you rest a lot & drink PLENTY of fluids. Dehydration can bring on contractions.

HANG IN THERE!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/08 9:59 PM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: Contracting at 29 wks???

Posted by nrthshgrl

Could be Braxton Hicks. Make sure you rest a lot & drink PLENTY of fluids. Dehydration can bring on contractions.

HANG IN THERE!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

yup, everytime I was low on fluids I got contractions.Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/08 11:52 PM

Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06

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True love doesn't end with happily ever after...

Re: Contracting at 29 wks???

I started contracting at 28 weeks. They said that my uterus was sensitive. Everytime I felt it, I went into the drs to be monitored, and then they sent me to the hospital. They were real contractions. I had to have a shot to stop them either 2 or 3 times. I also was given a test to determine if I may go into labor within the next two weeks (FFN). After I believe 34 weeks, they did not give the shot anymore because the baby was okay to come. I ended up having my son on his due dateChat Icon

Posted 6/30/08 12:08 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Contracting at 29 wks???

I have gotten BH a couple of times but it did not feel like AF cramps, just like a tightening sensation. Make sure you are drinking enough and as per my doctors orders if it happens 6 or more times in an hour call dr and go to L&D.

Posted 6/30/08 12:30 PM

He has my heart

Member since 12/07

1379 total posts


Re: Contracting at 29 wks???

Updated: Have dr's appt at 3:30? They are most likely going to do an exam, is that gonna hurt? Im in between 29-30 wks. I remember one of my friends telling me it hurts when they check your cervix. Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/08 2:06 PM

Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06

10164 total posts

True love doesn't end with happily ever after...

Re: Contracting at 29 wks??? UPDATED AT BOTTOM

Any news? Hopefully they just hooked you up to the machineChat Icon

Posted 6/30/08 6:15 PM

He has my heart

Member since 12/07

1379 total posts


Re: Contracting at 29 wks??? UPDATED AT BOTTOM

Posted by want2beamom

Any news? Hopefully they just hooked you up to the machineChat Icon

I am A okay!! Chat Icon Cervix is closed which the exam did not hurt at all. I was shocked. If I get another 4 in 1 hr I am to go straight to the hospital but hopefully I won't have to do that. Bed rest for 1 wk though UGH! Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/08 6:48 PM

Two is better than one!!!

Member since 12/07

4474 total posts


Re: Contracting at 29 wks??? UPDATED AT BOTTOM

Rest up girl!!!

Posted 6/30/08 7:19 PM

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