
Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Cool! (board of assessments appeal)
We bought our house from an estate sale (in the Phillly burbs) last summer, and our taxes are SO high. $10,000 a year!
The local Board of Assessments lists our property as having 3200 square feet, but I noticed that the appraisal that was done when we bought the house lists it as 2655 square feet.
Sooooooo, I filed an appeal. I'm an attorney but have ZERO experience with real estate, and I know I'm taking a big risk doing this without the assistance of an attorney who is experienced with the Board of Appeals.
Anyway, the hearing is in June, but I filed all my paperwork in April - the Board of Assessments sent their Assessor to reassess the property. I figured, if he comes back with the same square footage that's listed, I'll withdraw the appeal instead of making an arse of myself in front of the Board in June.
The guy just called me and verified that the square footage is actually 2700, and that, because the square footage is off, we are entitled to a reduction in our taxes - he can't guarantee how much, but hey, anything will help at this point!!
If I win this one, I may just make this as a little side business for myself