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Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Cost of finished basement?
Anyone had this done that could tell me how much this costs? How about putting a bathroom vs no bathroom. Just a ballpark figure. TIA
Posted 4/5/10 5:02 PM |
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Member since 1/06 1908 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Cost of finished basement?
The question is too vague as you don't go into the size, condition, or what you want to do (ie: sheetrock, pergo floor or tile, add electric, type of ceiling, etc.) and it would take a contractor to factor in so much detail with material and labor cost. I will tell you though that if you finish the basement there are permits and codes and new C of O required and adding a bathroom sends up a big red flag that you want to make it living space which would require egress windows. If you do it without permits you may be required to take care of all that after the fact when you try to sell which is a big PITA too. Our sellers did not have everything to code but it slipped past everyone and when we later did contruction on a dormer we had to do correctionst to the basement before they would give us a new C of O for the upstairs - ended up costing about $2000 extra.
Posted 4/5/10 7:26 PM |
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Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Re: Cost of finished basement?
Also putting in an additional bathroom would raise your taxes, no?
Posted 4/6/10 7:59 AM |

Member since 11/07 7273 total posts
Re: Cost of finished basement?
We're about to re-do ours and as the pp stated, there are a lot of factors involved so it's hard to give an estimate, but here are a few things to consider.
With the bathroom, our contractor told us that the bulk of the cost would be to install an ejector pump - the pump itself isn't expensive, but the installation of it will be. Apparently they need to dig through the concrete floor into the ground to sink some sort of tank (sorry for being vague - my dh is handling this bit). We're waiting for the plumber to come & give us a # for the work, but our contractor thinks we may save some $ on the labor because we have some sort of sandpit/dry well thing down there that they can use
Also, look at the pipes & any electrical wires that you have running across the's not overly expensive, but it's something to consider - you will probably need to move some of them if you're sheetrocking the ceiling & not doing a drop. We have to reroute our bathroom waste pipe around the perimeter of the basement, notch out the beams & run our electric through them (instead of under them) & we had to move some water & heating pipes to allow for the installation of a staircase (tomorrow!), as we currently don't have inside access to the basement.
We haven't started anything yet other than prepping for the stair installation, but if you have any specific questions feel free to FM me and I'll see if I can help 
Posted 4/6/10 9:05 AM |

Member since 1/09 5476 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Cost of finished basement?
all i know someone just had alure come in and do their complete basement renn package (one bedroom, one closet, one playroom) for aprox 1,000 sq ft. would be around $43,000 and that is allowing them to have two open houses in your house to show off their work.
BUT my electrician just completed his basement for about $20,000 with a bathroom but he did all the work and put a new hot water heater in.
Posted 4/6/10 9:46 AM |
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Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Cost of finished basement?
ours was quoted around 20,000 for just basic stuff, without a bathroom. That was before we realized our cement floor seeps with wtaer during heavy rains. Add more money for sump pump and mold inspection and removal. It will be closer to 30,000 I suspect.
Message edited 4/6/2010 10:05:49 AM.
Posted 4/6/10 10:05 AM |
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Member since 5/05 3221 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Cost of finished basement?
Dh and his friends did most of the work for our basement, and his friend is a plumber that we hired to run the heat and put the bathroom in...bc we did all the work ourselves it probably cost about $6000 for the material and the plumbing so happy that dh and his friends are handy, who knows how long it would have taken for us to do it then
Posted 4/6/10 2:08 PM |
Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07 7060 total posts
Name: g
Re: Cost of finished basement?
it really depends on what you are working with and what you will be having done
We did all the work ourselves (with family) except for a few things and it was still costly My father and DH did electrical FIL and DH redid all the plumbing DH pretty much did everything else we only hired people to dig out and pour for basement entrance (not for cutting and putting in entrance), tiling of bathroom and carpeting.
*completely gutted the basement *Reframed every room *moved and got rid of cast iron plumbing *added a bathroom (needed a pump) *moved plumbing for washer *added a basement entrance (dug out, poured walls, cut fondation for entrance, brick/limestone steps) *sheetrocked/taped/painted *tiling for bathroom, fixtures/trim for bathroom *carpeting *drop ceiling and sheetrocked ceilings *high hats *new windows *converted to gas - removed oil tank, put in new boiler ect.. *completly redid the electric and put in a 220 service
im sure I missed somethings as well
Message edited 4/6/2010 2:30:08 PM.
Posted 4/6/10 2:29 PM |
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Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: Cost of finished basement?
Our contractor is starting the 1st week of June - I can not wait !!
We have about 850 sq feet - We decided to skip the bathroom b/c of that pump issue someone posted before -
It's running us about $14k
Posted 4/6/10 3:52 PM |
The Prince & Princess
Member since 7/05 4939 total posts
Name: J
Re: Cost of finished basement?
I dont know the size, but DH finished the basement in his mom's old house (before we were married). He removed the old cement floor and had new poured, framed and sheetrocked, no bathroom, carpet and painted. Very simple. He did everything except the concrete pouring and electrical stuff himself. Total job cost $10K
Posted 4/6/10 7:23 PM |