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Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Cost of IVF?
Anyone know approx. how much IVF costs? Also, if I have medical insurance that doesn't cover IVF- will it cover meds for IVF? Can they tell if the meds or for IVF or IUI (the insurance co?) TIA.
Posted 3/6/08 5:53 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
So Thankful!!

Member since 11/07 4004 total posts
Name: Lots of Sticky Dust, Please!
Re: Cost of IVF?
I haven't a clue on the costs.
Your best bet is to call your insurance provider and ask them your detailed questions. You might need to contact the prescription part of your insurance to see what medications are covered. I've made a few calls regarding RX and IUIs and they were very helpful.
Good luck!
Posted 3/6/08 5:56 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Cost of IVF?
Before you start your cycle they will cover u/s, office visits, blood work etc. Once you start your cycle they will cover nothing. We were given a price of $9215 without meds.
Honestly-there are so many people that have leftover meds you could probably get some of those(even at your clinic or on here) You can call your presciption plan to get meds authorized. Once I get my scrips I will do that and see what they will cover-I also had some meds donated to me so I will pass on anything I don't use
ETA: we did not need ICSI
Message edited 3/7/2008 10:19:02 AM.
Posted 3/6/08 6:20 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Cost of IVF?
Ours with Meds and ICSI and Storage for one year was about $21K ....
We paid out of pocket about $8-$10K , we got the NYS grant to cover the rest.
My insurance covered IUIS but nothing related to IVF at all.
Posted 3/6/08 7:08 PM |
my two loves

Member since 10/06 5133 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: Cost of IVF?
My insurance covered nothing towards IF treatments. Here was the breakdown of my cycle:
IVF w/ICSI- $11,250 (includes all monitoring, anesthesia, etc.) Embryo freezing and storage for 6 months- $1500
I have no idea if they will cover meds, but I kinda doubt it if they won't cover IVF (although talk to yur RE and see if there is a way to bill for them like they are for IUI maybe??). In any case, I got ALL my meds from my clinic from girls who donated their extras back. So ask your clinic to see if they can help you out if they have the extra meds (we were extremely lucky that they had everything we needed).
Good luck, I know this is a big step for you
Posted 3/6/08 8:36 PM |
My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07 13625 total posts
Re: Cost of IVF?
My insurance does not cover any "injectable" fertlity meds (Cigna HMO) and we are not covered for IVF at all....The cost of straight up IVF was around 9K and ISCI, AH, all extra $...I asked my financial rep at my RE if they could put through some of the sonos, blood etc. as IUI since my insurance does cover that and she said they can't because it is coded differently...Good Luck !
Posted 3/6/08 9:39 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Cost of IVF?
My IVF cycle cost 8K. Insurance covered office visits only. Meds would have been about 8K but I got a lot from friends and on
Posted 3/6/08 9:46 PM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: Cost of IVF?
Posted by dm24angel
Ours with Meds and ICSI and Storage for one year was about $21K ....
We paid out of pocket about $8-$10K , we got the NYS grant to cover the rest.
My insurance covered IUIS but nothing related to IVF at all.
This is exactly what I am afraid of (we may be in the same boat if DH's count doesn't go up)
Posted 3/7/08 9:30 AM |
Love my family

Member since 2/08 2267 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Cost of IVF?
We were approved for the DOH grant but on the paperwork, they based our share on a total IVF cycle price of $12,000. That included pretty much everything except for assisted hatching. That was $676 extra.
For the grant, they figured our share using our 2006 tax return. Luckily, we made nothing that year b/c of several issues. So, our share of the cycle was $5,776 with the assisted hatching.
I ended up paying a little more though because some of our meds were covered by our insurance. I had to pay the co-payments on those. So maybe $200 extra. We also had to pay for them to freeze a semen specimen and that was another $200. We had to do that b/c we are dealing with severe MF.
Posted 3/7/08 10:17 AM |
Beyond Blessed <3

Member since 2/08 1482 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Cost of IVF?
I still have to calland try to figure out if any of my meds are covered. We won't qualify for the grant b/c they said now they would use our 2007 tax returns and even though my dh got laid off last year, he got a severance package which pushed us over the max income. I swear we can't win for trying these days!
Posted 3/7/08 12:39 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1854 total posts
Re: Cost of IVF?
I'm the same situation and I called my insurance company to ask a few times and I keep getting different answers. I'm just planning as if I will have to pay for them, then if they are covered, I'll be happy.
Posted 3/7/08 7:52 PM |