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Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

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Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

13241 total posts


Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

DH brought down our puppy this morning to feed her while I showered. Normally, he says she can't get enough of food at this point after sleeping all night.

Well, she wouldn't eat one little piece of her food and she is not drinking any water. And we can hear her stomach making noises.

She did all her right numbers (no diaherra) this morning before and after we ate.

She's very sleepy and isn't as energetic as she normally is in the morning. She slept on my lap as I read the morning paper when she normally plays fetch with me.

She was fine last night - she had made a mess in her crate yesterday, so I gave her a bath and she fell asleep in my arms afterwards. Before the bath, she did her last evening #2, and then turned around and threw up 4 pieces of her dinner that she had just eaten 10 minutes prior, but was drinking water during the evening.

Any ideas as to what is going on?

ETA: Small update a few posts down.

Message edited 7/17/2007 11:25:22 AM.

Posted 7/17/07 9:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 9/06

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Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy??

I'd keep an eye.. dogs can get upset stomachs just like us. If she doesn't eat tonight, than maybe call the vet.

It's so wierd, Cooper's not really eating a whole lot either (he'll eat breakfast, but not dinner) and acting sluggish, and then there was another post similar to your's... Chat Icon

Good luck!

Posted 7/17/07 10:20 AM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy??

She might just have a stomach ache...keep an eye on her....if she doesn't drink or eat the rest of the day then I would call the vet

Posted 7/17/07 11:15 AM

Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

13241 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy??

MY MIL just called me - she stopped in to see her when I called her this morning concerned on what to do (she has 2 yorkies of her own), so she took it upon herself to come see Daisy, which was nice.

She said Daisy has been having massive diareaha since she got there at 10am, so she cooked some rice and mixed it with the hard food and she ate it all up.

We're hoping it gets solid now, but we'll know in a few hours when DH goes home for lunch how she is.

If it continues, I'll call the vet.

Posted 7/17/07 11:24 AM

Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06

4412 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy??

Did you notice any pieces of any of her toys missing? It's SOOOOO common in my breed of cat that they eat something inappropriate (like a piece of their toy) so we’re always on the lookout for a ‘blockage’ – I am NOT trying to alarm you, it may be nothing, it’s just it’s so common in my cat breed, it’s the first thing I thought of. Definitely keep an eye on her, it could just be the weather!

Posted 7/17/07 11:26 AM

Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06

4412 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Posted by PotofLuck06

MY MIL just called me - she stopped in to see her when I called her this morning concerned on what to do (she has 2 yorkies of her own), so she took it upon herself to come see Daisy, which was nice.

She said Daisy has been having massive diareaha since she got there at 10am, so she cooked some rice and mixed it with the hard food and she ate it all up.

We're hoping it gets solid now, but we'll know in a few hours when DH goes home for lunch how she is.

If it continues, I'll call the vet.

That was nice of your MIL!! I hope it's nothing!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/07 11:26 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Do you think she could be dehydrated w/ the heat?

Posted 7/17/07 11:42 AM

Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06

2579 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

I have been running Jasmine the vet with the same symptoms. See my other post below. I have blood work and Parvo pending. I was so worried and am one of those over protective and hyper active momimies. I am better to be safe than sorry.
Sorry your baby is not feeling well also. It hurts when they can't tell us what is wrong. Chat Icon I hope she feels better. Keep us updated Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/07 11:57 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

I hope she is feeling better soon! From the posts lately, it seems like a lot of doggies are having GI issues!

Posted 7/17/07 12:34 PM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

I know someone who has a small dog that was getting sick because of his rawhide bone. Once she took it from him, his symptoms stopped.

I hope your pups both test fine, and get better soon!

Posted 7/17/07 12:34 PM

You make me happy

Member since 5/05

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cause you are gray.

Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

How is Daisy this evening? We're hoping much better Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/07 6:16 PM

Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

13241 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Daisy ate all her dog food for dinner and is drinking water. She's still very tired and napping right now.

She hasn't done any numbers yet, but my MIL informed us she cooked some white rice to feed her this afternoon that she ate and that's prob going to keep her from going until tomorow, so we'll see what happens.

I just feel bad cause DH and I are leaving her from Thursday-Sunday with my ILs while we go to a family wedding and I don't want to leave her sick.

Posted 7/17/07 7:12 PM

You make me happy

Member since 5/05

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cause you are gray.

Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

I'm sure she'll bounce right back Chat Icon .

Posted 7/17/07 7:14 PM

Hey baby!

Member since 6/05

1855 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Posted by KittyTheStray

Did you notice any pieces of any of her toys missing? It's SOOOOO common in my breed of cat that they eat something inappropriate (like a piece of their toy) so we’re always on the lookout for a ‘blockage’ – I am NOT trying to alarm you, it may be nothing, it’s just it’s so common in my cat breed, it’s the first thing I thought of. Definitely keep an eye on her, it could just be the weather!

I agree. There are so many cases of puppies, dogs, and yes even cats, who eat pieces of toys that can't pass through the gut. Before you go away, I'd bring in to your vet, just to put your minds at ease.

Message edited 7/17/2007 7:16:23 PM.

Posted 7/17/07 7:15 PM

Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

13241 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Posted by Kathy116

Posted by KittyTheStray

Did you notice any pieces of any of her toys missing? It's SOOOOO common in my breed of cat that they eat something inappropriate (like a piece of their toy) so we’re always on the lookout for a ‘blockage’ – I am NOT trying to alarm you, it may be nothing, it’s just it’s so common in my cat breed, it’s the first thing I thought of. Definitely keep an eye on her, it could just be the weather!

I agree. There are so many cases of puppies, dogs, and yes even cats, who eat pieces of toys that can't pass through the gut. Before you go away, I'd bring in to your vet, just to put your minds at ease.

Nothing seems to be missing from any toys and we've taken most away from her since she's not active.

Luckily, though, my MIL uses the same vet we do and she knows to go ahead and treat Daisy while we're away if it's needed.

If she's not better by tomorrow night, I'll check wiih the vet on Thurs. AM before we leave. That's 24 hours for this to pass.

Posted 7/17/07 7:19 PM

Hey baby!

Member since 6/05

1855 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Hope she's better soon Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/07 7:30 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Not to alarm you but we had a similar issue with Peanut right after we got her when she was a puppy. Turned out to be a parasite that antibiotics cleared right out but it did take a Vet visit.

Hope Daisy feels better soon! Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/07 7:37 PM

Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06

2579 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

What is the update with Daisy? How is she feeling today????

Posted 7/18/07 8:43 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

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Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/07 8:58 PM

Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

13241 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Daisy is back to her usual self - no more diahera - all very solid and she's back on schedule as well, and she ate all 3 bowls of food today, and behaved very well through the storm. She was sleeping when I came home at lunch to let her out and play with her.

Thanks for asking!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Now if ony we could get her to stop biting us. She seems to ignore her toys and goes for our fingers, toes, or clothes.

Posted 7/18/07 9:56 PM

You make me happy

Member since 5/05

2474 total posts

cause you are gray.

Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Good to hear Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/07 10:29 PM

Hey baby!

Member since 6/05

1855 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

I'm so glad she's back to her old self! Chat Icon

Posted 7/19/07 7:05 AM

Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06

2579 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Glad to hear! Jazzy is back to her puppy self too. She is napping and I am filling the plastic pool to use the puppy energy she will have when she wakes up.
She has been nipping at my ankle, lil' ankle bitter Chat Icon She is also trying to chew her leash. I read turn your back on them and it has been working she always drops the leash or I walk away and she is getting it but I also bark like a dog LOL when she nips me so she knows. The things we do right?
Good luck with Daisy she is a cutie pie! When does the puppy stage end??Chat Icon

Posted 7/19/07 11:21 AM


Member since 8/06

7945 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

So glad to hear she's doing better!!

Posted 7/19/07 11:36 AM

Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

13241 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with our puppy?? Small Update

Posted by SupportACop

Glad to hear! Jazzy is back to her puppy self too. She is napping and I am filling the plastic pool to use the puppy energy she will have when she wakes up.
She has been nipping at my ankle, lil' ankle bitter Chat Icon She is also trying to chew her leash. I read turn your back on them and it has been working she always drops the leash or I walk away and she is getting it but I also bark like a dog LOL when she nips me so she knows. The things we do right?
Good luck with Daisy she is a cutie pie! When does the puppy stage end??Chat Icon

I'm hoping soon!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon My fingers and toes can't handle it anymore.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/19/07 12:37 PM

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