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coupons up for grabs BRU and BJ's, etc...

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

538 total posts


coupons up for grabs BRU and BJ's, etc...

I hate to throw these out if someone can use them


Two $2 on pampers jumbo or larger
$5 on huggies or pampers value box
15% on huggies, pamapers, esp. forbabies diapers
$8 on highchair over 60$
$5 on bouncer or travel swing
$2 on two tubs of wipes


$3 on papmers swaddlers or cruisers
$2 on pampers wipes
$1 on pampers bibssters
$1 dreft
$3 pampers baby dry
$2 easy ups and $2 feel and learn
$1 luvs wipes and $1 luvs diapers

I also have a bunch of gerber coupons for food and feeding supplies as well as huggies and pampers coupons oh yeah, and 2 more $5 similac coupons

FM if interested...would like to trade for good start coupons or you can just have these...either is fine


Posted 11/27/05 12:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

921 total posts


Re: coupons up for grabs BRU and BJ's, etc...

I would love the coupons for babies r us if no one has claimed them yet.

Posted 11/27/05 12:48 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: coupons up for grabs BRU and BJ's, etc...

I'll take the bj's if they're still availableChat Icon

Posted 11/27/05 1:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

538 total posts


Re: coupons up for grabs BRU and BJ's, etc...

I sent you both FM

anyone else need similac or huggies or pampers??

Posted 11/27/05 2:14 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: coupons up for grabs BRU and BJ's, etc...

I would love the Similac and Pampers coupons. ThanksChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/27/05 2:42 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

538 total posts


coupons up for grabs

great...i feel so productive that these aren't going to waste :)

heres whats left:

$2 and $3 on beech nut jar food or juice (18 or 30 count)

$1 dreft

3- 50 cents off gerber single grain cereal

2- $1 grins and giggles skin or haircare

$1 and 75 cents g&g baby wash or shampoo
$1 and 75 cents g&g baby lotion

$1 gerber fruit splash

3 coupons for gerber juice

4 coupons $1 off gerber bowls or utensil

3 coupons $2 luiquiliytes or instant mix

4 coupons gerber fun grip soft starter spill proof cup

$1 huggies bath and body product

$1 huggies rash cream

$1.50 and $1.00 huggies diapers

$1.50 and $1.00 huggies supreme diapers

$1 LUVS diapers

$1 gerber pacifier

55 cents vicks baby vapo product

$1 baby magic product

$2 gerber gas relief or vitamin drops

$1 on six 2nd foods plastic 2 pack by gerber

$1 on 3 gerber graduates

Posted 11/27/05 3:45 PM

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