First I I went to labor and delivery on Monday afternoon after I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid...turns out I wasn't but my blood pressure was very high so I was kept there for blood work and monitered until it was normal.
Then I went to my regular appointment last night and it turns out that my blood pressure is still a little high, I've had a headache since 3am yesterday morning and tynenol is not doing anything for me and my hands, ankles and feet are swollen which caused a "red flag" to go up and I was sent home to do a 24 hour urine collection to check for protein in the urine (preeclampsia).
So I am home..peeing in a bucket and I have my follow up appointment on Friday. If its positive....they will be inducing...and since I am not dilating and barely effacing...the chance of a c-section if i get induced are please send some prayers my way.
Thank you ladies
UPDATE: I went to the blood pressure is back to normal...I have a little protein in my urine but nothing that he is concerned about. They did a stress test for the baby and everything is perfect...I have not dilated. So unless I go into labor my next appointment is Tuesday at 9am.
Thank you ladies for all of your thoughts and prayers.