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Crib issue...

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Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Crib issue...

Okay, so Jacob has acid reflux. He has been sleeping in his car seat since birth, and napping in his bouncy seat. I decided to try the crib today. I elevated his crib mattress and i also have an inclined sleep positioner. So after his mid morning bottle he fell asleep in my arms and i decided to try the crib. As soon as i put him down his eyes opened and he was just laying there. I wound up the mobile and he was just staring at it and laughing. Fine.. i left the room, I kept checking on him, not crying, still awake, arms flailing Chat Icon ... ok... then after about 15 min, screaming at the top of his lungs. I waited a few min... still screaming... so i went in, picked him up.. he stopped. I had to do stuff around the house so i put him in the bouncy seat. He passed right out. Am i ever gonna get him to sleep in his crib???? Did anyone else go through this?? I know that being elevated prob helps his acid reflux, but the crib mattress is nicely elevated. I cant keep lugging this car seat around the house either. Its heavy and my back is starting to snap. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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Posted 1/31/06 11:27 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: Crib issue...

I am having the same issues..Brianna will only sleep in her swing or car seat so I have been sleeping on the couch since she was born because I dont want to lug the swing up and down the stairs and my DH works nights so he isnt here to move it for me. Last night she slept in her bassinet forthe first time for an hour.. I just think that its a phase and they will grow out of it.. How old is your little one?

Posted 1/31/06 11:41 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Crib issue...

My son would sleep at night in his bassinet or crib but never in the day. At first he would only sleep in my arms and the occasional bouncer - nothing would get done - of course.

At about 3.5 months or so he started napping long naps but only in his swing. I would say around 4-5 months he started napping in his crib - but even to today (he'll be one tomorrow) - he prefers not to nap in his crib. He will nap in his crib for 30 minutes but I put him in my bed and I can get an hour and a half-two hours! So I just do what works for me!

Posted 1/31/06 1:47 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Crib issue...

He may still be too young, I would just continue to let him sleep where he sleeps. I let Andrew sleep in his swing a lot at first, then around 3 months old, we started in the crib. At 6-8 months, we let him cry it out. I think your baby is way to young though for CIO.

Posted 1/31/06 3:07 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Crib issue...

I let Alex sleep in her swing until about 3 months. We have a video monitor that attaches to the wall and is adjustable so I just brought the swing up to her room, and adjusted the monitor so it's overlooking the swing. That way I could meander around the house and still keep an eye on her while she was napping/sleeping in the swing.

Posted 1/31/06 5:04 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

99 total posts


Re: Crib issue...

We just went through this at our house. Joey also has acid reflux and I really wanted him to get used to the crib. The first few attempts were all nighters and then I bought this elevated sleeper that has velcro on it's sides (so you an make him/her more or less snug over time). I put the velcro very snug at first so he would feel secure and I also put him on his side. It worked wonders! Now he is sleeping much better in the crib adn last night he actually slept through the night. Good Luck!

Posted 1/31/06 11:42 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Crib issue...

Miranda is 4 months old and I have not even attempted the crib.
She takes naps on our bed and at nght she starts off on our bed and when I go up I transfer her to the cradle.
I think I could probably manage nighttime in the crib if I tried but some of it is me not wanting her that far away.
When she was your sons age sleep was near impossible because of her reflux. I would just do whatever works for now and eventaully he'll get better at sleeping.

Posted 2/1/06 12:05 AM

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