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hbugal Lesigh
Member since 2/07
15928 total posts
It never seems to amaze me how anything more than a passing thought of my sons..Who died over 17 years ago...Who were barely on this earth for more than a blink...Can cause my eyes to tear, my throat to close, my heart to hurt, and my arms to ache...Im not an overly emotional person...Definitely not a crier...But boy do I ever miss those boys that I never really got to meet...
Kerie-is-so-very versatile!
Member since 5/05
13535 total posts
Re: Criminy....
Irishlass LIF Adult
2961 total posts
beautyq115 New Year!
13729 total posts
Bean08 LIF Adolescent
Member since 3/09
795 total posts
I completely know how you feel...Even though I know that not being alone in your feelings doesn't help one bit...
EckoRed81504 We are complete <3
Member since 12/07
6299 total posts
mikeswife06 Drama Momma
Member since 9/06
9947 total posts
imthecindyofcindyandkevin Four-nado
Member since 8/07
7972 total posts
neener1211 :-)
Member since 4/07
22952 total posts
ABCiverson <3 my family
Member since 1/06
7465 total posts