So...a little about me...I lived in NY, had m/c & D & C in April. We moved to FL (my home) and I had my two week follow up but have been waiting for D & C results from NY. Well, I got them & got the results to my new (old) OBGYN. I got a call today saying DH & I will NOT need genetic counseling & the chromosonal issues were not something we could have prevented, etc. So happy to hear b/c we are uninsurured currently and can not afford such counseling + other obvious reasons we would not want to go through this sort of thing. So, now if I could just get a BFP this might actually turn out to be a really great week.
NO! I did yesterday morning BFN So, I've come to the mental realization I'm prob not PG (even though you got BFP 2 days after AF was due) I am not testing until Sunday morning (Af is due Saturday).