Dealing With Neighbor's and their lack of parenting
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Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Dealing With Neighbor's and their lack of parenting
So I guess this could be parenting or home related.
We are going to be moving to a block where there are TONS of kids. My parents live there now, however this parents have very little regard for the behavior of their children.
It is a deadend block, so the parents feel they can let their children (many under 5) roam the streets with little parental control.
Here is a pretty common example: I am coming down the block (which has a speed limit of 30) however I am doing about 15 because i see some kids on the road. As I am approaching a house, all of a sudden a Powerwheels with two kids come speeding down the driveway. Where is the mom? Talking to another mom on the grass. I had to slam on my breaks even at going 15 mph or I would have hit them. The mom comes running down the driveway yelling. I shake my head because it was a close call and she starts yelling at ME! I wasn't doing anything wrong. I continue driving down the block (which it took a lot for me not to say anything back).
This is a very common occurance on the block. How do you deal with parents who have no regard for the rest of the neighborhood and no regard for the safety of their children? Without of course, making it an uncomfortable situation with your neighbors.
Posted 1/23/08 7:53 AM |
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LIF Infant
Member since 6/06 318 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Dealing With Neighbor's and their lack of parenting
Wow, that's a tough one. Personally I think 5 is a little young to be running around in front of one's house unsupervised but then again, that's the appeal to most people of a dead end or cul-de-sac: that traffic isn't flowing two ways and it's more private, possibly more safe? I'm not sure there is anything you can do to prevent the kids from being outside or to prevent the parents from not keeping their eye on their kids at every single moment. Have you seen those yellow plastic figures with the orange flags - they say "SLOW" or something like that? maybe you could talk to the neighbors about putting one of those out front when the kids are playing, just as a heads up to the neighbors driving by that the kids are out there so you know to keep your eyes peeled for them. Just a thought. Good Luck and watch out for those powerwheels.
Posted 1/23/08 8:52 AM |
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