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decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

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2 1/2

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decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

Hello all,
SO I have started to pump so my baby will get at least a bottle a day of brest milk..
I tell ya it hurts a little but I guess it is worth it..
Did anyone else just pump?? I tried breast feeding but the babies sucking reflex was not strong enough.. So she likes her bottles but I figure we can add some brest milk into her diet..
Do you guys think I am nuts or is it worth it..

Posted 3/22/06 7:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

I strongly believe that ANY amount of breast milk you can give your baby is great thing. I pumped also because Jake would not latch. I did it for six weeks and though it is not the easiest thing to do, it was definitely SO worth it. I felt bad that I couldn't get him to latch, and pumping and giving him at least some BM everyday made me feel like I did the best I could for him. I still felt bad when I saw how much I was able to pump without really trying. It's like wow, I could be giving him so much more if he would just latch. I had a very good supply and that helped keep me pumping for as long as I did. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if we had another and I would probably even try to do it for longer.

So NO you're NOT nuts!! It is definitely worth it - now go pump!!

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Posted 3/22/06 8:26 PM

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Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

I also pumped because I could not get her to latch on. She was bottle fed just breastmilk for 6 weeks.
If it continues to hurt, please call a lactation specialist. I didn't and it caused me all sorts of problems!

Posted 3/22/06 8:34 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

1304 total posts


Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

ok good..
now another question.. is there a best time to pump.. I heard in the am was the best time and then you get the most.. is this true and what do you ladies recomend??

Posted 3/22/06 8:38 PM

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Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

AM you'd probably get the most. Not sure how much you want to pump, but if you do it every 2-3 hours, you'll be producing as if you were breastfeeding her. I know, I know...being hooked up to a machine like that is hard...

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eta. It's basically supply & demand, the more you pump, the more you make. Make sure you eat & drink plenty of water.

Message edited 3/22/2006 9:11:14 PM.

Posted 3/22/06 9:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

I pumped full-time for a year. Put a dad of olive oil on your breasts before you pump. You may need a larger size breast shield. I needed the larger sized shields, even though I am not "blessed" with a large bra size.
What kind of pump are you using? How often are you pumping?
I can help your supply increase and figure out a good pumping schedule.
Drink a full glass of water when you pump and eat oatmeal every day.
I had a great hands free bra. It allowed me to pump without holding the horns. I highly rec'd spending the $32. You can get your own size. I ordered a lot from this seller. She is great.
Hands Free

Please let me know if I can help you at all!

Posted 3/22/06 10:12 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

1304 total posts


Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

I bought the 1st years electric pump.. and I must say I like it already.. I am lookign to get as much as I can get at a time and in a day.. so whatever you can do to help me please do..
I will definately drink my water but i do not like oatmeal..
I only started today and i got a little out but i will be at it all day 2morrow and here on out..
thank you for your help...
I guess we should fm from now on....Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/06 12:01 AM

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Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

I have been pumping for 11 weeks now and feel amazing about it. Sometimes its hard work when all I want to do is go to sleep, but when I see my little mans chubby thighs grow fatter, I am so proud (see below) Breast Milk is keep your chin up and keep pumping girl!

eta...can't put picture up, will try later

Message edited 3/23/2006 4:03:49 AM.

Posted 3/23/06 4:02 AM

Life is good!

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Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

Just wanted to second the hands free bra- it was worth every penny!

Posted 3/23/06 8:22 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

Something is better than nothing, I agree! I have been formula feeding at night and breastfeeding by pumping during the day. I like pumoing so much more than latching and I can measure exactly what she is getting. Keep up the good work Kristen!

Message edited 3/23/2006 9:56:13 AM.

Posted 3/23/06 9:55 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

272 total posts


Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

it is totally worth it!! good for you for trying! It will continue to hurt for probably 3 weeks, and by 5-6 weeks it will feel like nothing at all, I promise! You may even want to pump twice a day, lol. Danielle didn't have a good **** either, but as she got a little bigger and stronger, she latched on with no porblem.

Posted 3/23/06 10:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

Can I rec'd that you get yourself a really high quality pump? Renting a hospital grade is going to be soooooo much more effective for you. You will see a difference in your supply and how you feel while pumping.

You are now establishing milk supply. You need the good pump to help with that.
The one you have is really for moms who bf and just want to give a bottle once in a while.

A Pump in Style, while more costly is much better suited for moms who NEED to pump. The less expensive ones just don't give you the same milk production, especially during the very beginning. I trialed a few for First Years and Gerber when I was pumping and they are just not the same as the PIS.

Also, pumping once a day could really stop your production. You need to pump every 2-3, maybe every 4 hours to get your supply up and running. Pumping DOUBLE (not sure if you are using a single) for 20 minutes. I used to pump for 30-40 though since it took my milk a while to flow.

I was able to never touch formula after 4 weeks of pumping. But I pumped with a high quality pump, every 2-3 hours, woke up in the middle night to pump (after 5 hours of sleep). You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message edited 3/23/2006 12:34:55 PM.

Posted 3/23/06 12:33 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

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Re: decided to at least start pumping...questions and opinions?

the handsfree bra is $19 at BBB!

Posted 3/23/06 1:16 PM

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