Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05 3830 total posts
Name: Thia (Cynthia)
Demo class for Music Together
I received this e-mail and thought I would share it with all of you:
Hi all, you are all new to the Music Together program (or at least new to Lockmusic's Music Together). We are offering a few demos in a little while, and thought it was only fair to offer them to you, even though you have already enrolled. But PLEASE let us know if you are coming. You can come to any of the following, and, by all means, if you have friends with babies, toddlers, or preschoolers, please invite them. (Just let us know they are coming, PLEASE, or have them contact us!): Bellmore Center, Mon. Sept. 10th, 10:30AM (Linda, Adele), 6 PM (Allison, Heather) Massapequa, Tue., Sept 11, 1:15PM (Heather, Paula) Babylon, Sun. Sept 9, 11 AM (Linda), Sun. Sept. 16, 11 AM (Harriet)
Again, let us know ASAP, so we can keep track of numbers. -PL
Please include previous correspondence in reply! Paula Lockheart, dir. Lockmusic with Music Together in Bellmore, Massapequa, Babylon 516-616-3636