My Love
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Denise Richards and Baby Girl Eloise
Denise Richards is head over heels for Eloise Joni, the 5-week-old daughter she recently adopted (who joins big sisters Sam, 7, and Lola, 6, from the actress' previous marriage to Charlie Sheen).
Though she's "been with her since the day she was born," Richards admits that the adoption process was far from easy. "Some people think if a celebrity wants a baby, they get one the next day. The adoption took two years, and there were times I felt discouraged, times when I got close to adopting a baby and it fell through. But I knew the right baby would find us."
Currently on good terms with her ex ("We talk every day"), Richards adds that Sheen, 45, has spent time with baby Eloise. "He knows how much I love, love kids, so he was very supportive," the actress -- whose memoir, The Real Girl Next Door, is out July 26 -- tells Us. "Charlie is truly very happy for me. He knows I always wanted more kids."
Message edited 7/23/2011 10:18:23 AM.