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LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/06 623 total posts
DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
So I recently went back to work part-time. I also work two nights a week. Tonight was one of those nights. Before I left, I made a list of everything baby related that DH had to do. I even included times. Basically, it looked like this: (Anything in parantheses wasn't written down, but was all explained to him)
5pm - Give bottle (I prepared it and left it in the fridge) 6pm - Give Tylenol, if necessary (shots today) 6:30 - Cereal (prepared and in fridge)and sweet potatoes 7pm - Put dinner (that I of course prepared) in the oven 7:15 - nap
So, why is it that when I got home at 7:45, dinner was not ready, the cereal was still in the fridge, and he just started feeding DS his sweet potatoes????!!!!!
So now, when DS is completely off schedule and refusing to eat before bed and crying at random times and waking up early when I have to get ready for work, guess who has to deal with it?!
Why doesn't DH understand the importance of a schedule? I worked so hard to get one in place, and it actually works, but DH is just not interested. The babysitter has no problem with it. Do I seriously have to hire someone to take care of DS when DH is home????
So I freaked out when I walked in the door and now DH is not speaking to me!!!!
Posted 11/8/07 8:45 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
I know your frustration. My MIL used to be like that with DS's schedule. When he started getting crazy after she'd have him I would stress to her that she's doing him a disservice by making her own schedule. When I finally made her realize that she was harming his everyday happiness she finally started following my guidelines. You'll probably have to do the same thing with DH. Either that, or just accept that he's going to do things different than you. Which is completely unfair since you're the one who has to deal with the aftermath.
Posted 11/8/07 8:49 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
I know what you mean!
Posted 11/8/07 8:49 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
Ok, I can understand why you are annoyed, bbbuttttt....
I think you may have overreacted a touch. I am a BIG schedule person and DH is not, and yeah, I usually have to deal with the consquences of it, but honestly, your DC has to be a little adaptable, KWIM?
DH is home with DS all day long and he will send me pictures on my cell phone, yesterday DS was just in a short sleeve onesie and short pant , I casually mentioned maybe he wanted to dress him warmer today, and todays picture had Christopher in a bunting as an outfit
The bottom line: Is it really worth the fight? He isn't doing anything to HURT DC
Posted 11/8/07 8:51 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
First of all Second of all, if there's one thing I've learned about my husband, it's that he had no concept of a schedule for DD until he became the primary care giver. That being said, I've realized almost NO ONE has a concept for your child's schedule except you. As much as you don't want to hear this, he was probably very overwhelmed and doing the best he could. Let's face it, no one does it better than mommy. No one.
Posted 11/8/07 8:53 PM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
Posted by KateDevine
DH is home with DS all day long and he will send me pictures on my cell phone, yesterday DS was just in a short sleeve onesie and short pant , I casually mentioned maybe he wanted to dress him warmer today, and todays picture had Christopher in a bunting as an outfit
Posted 11/8/07 8:53 PM |
Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06 14917 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
I know what you mean - DD is big into her schedule and I am very strict with it - - DH on the other hand, is always very laid back about it and has no clue how much it can screw her up when things get changed around,
Posted 11/8/07 8:56 PM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
Posted by dawnygirl25
I know what you mean - DD is big into her schedule and I am very strict with it - - DH on the other hand, is always very laid back about it and has no clue how much it can screw her up when things get changed around,
My DH is the same way
Posted 11/8/07 9:09 PM |
Member since 7/07 7639 total posts
Re: DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
Message edited 11/14/2011 10:09:20 PM.
Posted 11/8/07 9:27 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: DH drives me nuts!!! VENT!!!
Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin
This is why a lot of fathers throw their hands up in defeat and just let the mothers do it all. They never get credit for doing anything well with the child. No matter what they do there's fault found with it. I'm not one of those fathers. I have been closely involved in the raising of my daughter. I stayed home with her for the first two years of her life and my opinion and my daughter's is no one does it better than daddy. No one. Just ask her.
Just because men do things differently does not mean they do it wrong. All it means is they don't do it your way. Give him a break. I don't think he would intentionally do anything to harm the baby. Children have to learn to be a little flexible. What happens if his schedule is thrown off a little, which will happen from time to time? He will have to learn to adjust. ETA - All I'm really trying to say is that if yous dc is off his schedule form time to time it won't do any real harm.
I agree w/this and I have learned to appreciate that DH does things different and to be OK w/that and appreciative of his help.
Posted 11/9/07 8:35 AM |