Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon poor thing! he took this week off before starting his new job to help me get the apt in order for the company thats coming for the weekend and for all the shower stuff since im techinally NOT ALLOWED to be doing any cleaning... monday nothing got done because we went to a bbq. yesterday was shot doing all our runniing around and errands. Today... DH decided to help a friend out and move him from CT to Long island.. hes been gone since 6 am who knows what he'll be home.. and well company comes tomorrow MORNING!!! so i've been cleaning ALL DAY! of course coming on here to take my brakes Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon but now im hurting my backs killing me the baby isnt happy! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon i just text messaged him and told him..

"ask them if they have an extra bed room for you to stay in cuz when you get home i just may have to kill you!"

because i know damn well when he gets in hes not going to want to help me with anything and well.. im pooped!

ok vent over thanks!