Dhs whole family is struggling! first, one of his grandmoms fell and broke her hip, and had to have hip replacement surgery ( shes doing ok so far, but still a struggle to get back to normal). THEN his favorite uncle who is the nicest person got diagnosed with really bad cancer and is having intense chemo. THEN, i just get an e-mail from MIL that DHs other grandmom is going to the ER because she can't keep any food or anything down. shes in her 90s, so that can't be good. so just some prayers/good thoughts that they all get through this tough time. and its looking like DH and i will have to spend thanksgiving apart. They have it at his uncles house ( the one who is having chemo) and he can't be aroudn anyone who is sick. I'm not sick, but since i work at a school MIL kind of asked me not to come so that i don't bring any sicknesses from the kids in. DHs definitely has to see his family though... Thanks for any good thoughts!