Did any of your keep a journal of your pg?
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Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Did any of your keep a journal of your pg?
I did IVF so mine is a little different....it started out from the day of transfer and had all of my thoughts and feelings, etc... then the day (I tested on my own days before my beta) I got my BFP and all the days leading up to my beta, and every day after.... The prayers and hopes of the beta doubling, and my feelings when it did---- and my pleading to the little one to hold on.... Up until the day they told me it wasn't viable. I don't know what to do w/ it. Do I just throw it out? Do I hold onto it? It's a beautiful journal that I bought w/the intention of writing in it to our child, from that cycle- and I can't even consider using it again for our next BFP, in the event that we get one. I haven't opened it since that day- I can't bring myself to. I think it would open up the flood gates of emotions that I have managed to somewhat store away in order to try to move on.... in hopes that though I will never forget this- that I will somehow get past it, or mostly past it. I'm just curious if anyone else kept a journal and if so, what you did w/ it. TIA.
Posted 11/21/08 10:47 PM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: Did any of your keep a journal of your pg?
Don't throw it out, it's still too soon after. I would put it away, but keep it. I didn't keep a journal but I kept all my sonograms. I put them in an envelope and put them away. I know where they are and someday I'll deal with it. They are stil too painful to look at for me.
Posted 11/22/08 4:30 AM |
Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08 1351 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Did any of your keep a journal of your pg?
I didn't- but what I would do if I were you is stick in the back of a closet, b/c it would be hard to chuck it right now. Then, in a few years, when you have your baby (which you will!) and this is all just a memory, you'll come across it and be able to get rid of it.
Posted 11/22/08 9:23 AM |
Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06 7390 total posts
Re: Did any of your keep a journal of your pg?
i still have my journal. my friend got it for me for my first pg. I even wrote in it after the mc for a little while. then i put it away. when i mc'ed the second time i then wrote in it again after the loss and added the picture.....
now im on my third pg- and i havent journaled yet. I think when i start to feel the baby I'll type it in a word document so i have record.
Posted 11/22/08 5:12 PM |
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