Did anyone here have low hcg levels??
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Member since 5/05 1261 total posts
Did anyone here have low hcg levels??
in the early stages of your preg? then go up after time?
Posted 2/3/07 9:48 AM |
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Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Did anyone here have low hcg levels??
Yes, and I would venture to say EVERYONE on here had low HCG levels in the beginning. I know you posted last week that your HCG was 89. Many people asked you how far along you are but you never answered. Without that information the number is useless.
If you just missed your period than that number is high, if AF was due a week ago you are good. IF you are two months late that number is VERY VERY BAD.
The number alone means NOTHING!!!!!!
HCG starts low, you can be PG with an HCG of 5 and that number will grow the farther along you are.
ETA I just went back and read that you are only about 5 weeks. The number alone is good, HOWEVER, it is supposed to double within 48-72 hours.
Your doctor really should have spent more time eductaing you about this. When I had a chemical prgenancy my beta did not go up and my MD told me that if it did not go back to 0 I would have to have a DNC. I have heard that sometimes the numbers go up slowly with ectopics. Make sure your MD follows you closely.
Message edited 2/3/2007 10:13:21 AM.
Posted 2/3/07 9:59 AM |
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Member since 5/05 2065 total posts
Name: Erin
Re: Did anyone here have low hcg levels??
I did. According to my LMP, I thought I was a week ahead of where I actually was. So when I tested and got a positive I was only 3 weeks and a few days. I had some spotting so my dr sent me to get the levels (betas and progesterone) and they came back "low" because they were basing it on my LMP, not when I must have ovulated. My original # was 82 on a tuesday, and it doubled on thurs and sat...I am now 11 weeks. HTH.
Posted 2/3/07 10:01 AM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Did anyone here have low hcg levels??
Sweetie, I know you are scared and completely freaked out right now.
But you keep asking us the same question and we keep giving you the same answer.
I know someone posted this before, but here's a website with the HcG levels:
HCG Levels
You should be doubling, but it seems from your posts that you were 80 one week and 89 a week later.
This is a website that allows you to calculate the HcG level change to see if it is "normal":
HcG Calculator
I really think you should call your doctor so he/she can tell you exactly what's going on.
And if they don't, I think you should change doctors.
I wish you luck.
Posted 2/3/07 10:43 AM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Did anyone here have low hcg levels??
I agree with Lauren, I feel really bad for you, but theres not much more anyone on here can do or answer for you as we have answered this questions for you at least a few times already.
Only your Dr can assist you now. Try doing some google searches as well and checking out the link Lauren provided above.
Posted 2/3/07 12:13 PM |
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