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Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

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Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

We took Ava to the doctor today and opted not to have the shot. I just feel like a newborn doesn't need that shot. We didn't have it as babies and we were ok. I plan to do the hepatitis shots in a few years because it is required for them to start school but at 2 weeks just doesn't seem right to me.....What are your thoughts? The Dr. Seemed a little annoyed with us....but too bad!

Posted 9/26/05 4:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

We chose to give her all the vaccinations as they were recommended by the doctor. I know 2 people who have a child with autism, one believes it was from the vaccines, one (who is a MD) believes it wasn't from the vaccines but was just something that was meant to be and would have happened regardless. I did a lot of research and feel like this was the right decision for us.

I have some friends who have asked the doctor to spread out the shots so that their child doesn't get more than 1 at a time, or not to get the combo shots as a combo, but as individual shots and not at the same time.

Posted 9/26/05 4:46 PM


Member since 5/05

1889 total posts


Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

Posted by sarahsmommy

We chose to give her all the vaccinations as they were recommended by the doctor. I know 2 people who have a child with autism, one believes it was from the vaccines, one (who is a MD) believes it wasn't from the vaccines but was just something that was meant to be and would have happened regardless. I did a lot of research and feel like this was the right decision for us.

I have some friends who have asked the doctor to spread out the shots so that their child doesn't get more than 1 at a time, or not to get the combo shots as a combo, but as individual shots and not at the same time.

Ditto-we did all the shots at the recommended times of the ped.

Posted 9/26/05 4:48 PM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

Posted by DaniRN

Posted by sarahsmommy

We chose to give her all the vaccinations as they were recommended by the doctor. I know 2 people who have a child with autism, one believes it was from the vaccines, one (who is a MD) believes it wasn't from the vaccines but was just something that was meant to be and would have happened regardless. I did a lot of research and feel like this was the right decision for us.

I have some friends who have asked the doctor to spread out the shots so that their child doesn't get more than 1 at a time, or not to get the combo shots as a combo, but as individual shots and not at the same time.

Ditto-we did all the shots at the recommended times of the ped.

We also did all the shots that the Dr recommended

Posted 9/26/05 4:53 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

Same as everyone else.

Posted 9/26/05 4:53 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

Emma and Jeremy both have not gotten the Hep B shot yet. They are very low risk for the diesase so I figured Id wait until right before school.

Posted 9/26/05 4:56 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

We did not have the hep B or any vaccines until he was two months old. We are now following the schedule but my DH is concerned about the MMR so we're going to research that one.

Posted 9/26/05 5:26 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

I would get them because you never know...
I feel the same for Hep B and all vaccines. If you didn't vaccinate and your baby did happen to get exposed, and got sick, would you wish you had it?

Plus, it might be required for school...

Posted 9/26/05 6:58 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

my son got the hep b while in the hospital ar 24 hrs old, what if you have an emergency and she is exposed to the disease, i'm talking in a medical realm, contaminated needles, etc do exist and i see it happen way to often not to protect him from hep b, purely your choice though.

Posted 9/26/05 8:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

Posted by waytogo

I would get them because you never know...
I feel the same for Hep B and all vaccines. If you didn't vaccinate and your baby did happen to get exposed, and got sick, would you wish you had it?

Plus, it might be required for school...

I agree. We've had all the shots that the dr. recommended.

ETA - I just re-read your post and saw that your baby is only 2 weeks old. That, to me, seems a little young. Our ped didnt start any shots until Logan was 2 months old.

Message edited 9/26/2005 8:48:08 PM.

Posted 9/26/05 8:44 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

We did it. Jack got his first shot in the hospital.

I'm afraid of the worse case scenerio and want to make sure my little guys liver has the best possible chance to stay healthy and grow along with him.

Posted 9/26/05 8:59 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

Aidan got all his shots as scheduled unless he was ill which happened once, so one set was a little spaced out.

I was nervous about the MMR rumors, but after doing the research and talking with others and my Dr. I felt comfortable with him getting it.

DH's co-workers infant daughter got Whooping Cough/Pertussis because she was not vaccinated. She was sick for months. Very preventable Chat Icon

Message edited 9/26/2005 9:57:00 PM.

Posted 9/26/05 9:56 PM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

Claire has gotten all vaccines as scheduled. I trust her doctor and didnt want to take any risks in her being unprotected

Posted 9/27/05 9:58 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

Marissa got all her shots as the doctor recommended and she started her shots at 1 month old not at 2 weeks

Posted 9/27/05 10:11 AM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

DH and I have been discussing the plan for vaccines and we intend on holding off on the Hep B shot for a while. Our son will be at very little risk, so will not get it until needed for school. Same goes for the Chicken Pox vaccine, we do not intend on giving him this shot neither, unless it is required by the school. I do know NY state is requiring the Chicken Pox vaccine, but we will be living in TX where I do not believe it is required yet. The MMR as well, will be spaced out, no combo shots for our baby. I believe it is just to much for a little one to handle. One at a time is enough and immunity will still be developed.

Posted 9/28/05 9:53 AM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

when it was time for my 9 yr old to get the chicken pox vaccine I opted against it because it hadnt been around long enough but then it became mandatory for school when she was in 2nd grade so I had it done then

Posted 9/28/05 10:01 AM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

I delayed giving the Hep B shot until both my kids were older. I was vaccinated for Hep B a few years before & my pediatrician said they would probably have some antibodies since I had been previously vaccinated.

Once they hit daycare, I got them vaccinated since it's spread through bodily fluids.

Posted 9/29/05 12:32 PM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

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Re: Did anyone opt not to give baby the hepatitis B shots?

My dr said that there may have been a link because a few years ago, there were traces of lead in the MMR shot. They have new shots out though which are completely lead free. Juliette had hers done right away (hep B).

Posted 9/29/05 9:51 PM

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