Did anyone happen to see AFV this Sunday?

They showed a video of a man throwing a firecracker of some sort into his boat b/c a raccoon was hiding in it. And his stupid wife screams "you probably killed it".

Then the poor Raccoon sticks his head out and looks up. The audience roars. I was appalled that they showed this video, which I beleive promoted animal cruelty. What if they deafened the raccooon? Or blew it up? Or blew it's leg off? What would these a$$holes have done then?

I have been meaning to write to AFV. I could NOT believe a FAMILY show would play a video that supports throwing fireworks at an animal.

Anyone else see it and want to write to AFV to complain?

ETA - I wrote to them...but of course have not heard back yet and somehow don't think I will.