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Did I overreact or not?

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2697 total posts


Did I overreact or not?

My daughter began tball (challenger division) 2 months ago. Like always, it took her a while to get comfortable with doing things. Her first game she did nothing but scream and want to go home. Now, she has ran the bases, batted and plays catch.

Today is her last day. After her game, they have a little picnic and they get trophies.

My husband paid $50 a while ago to be in a 2 day bike ride. This was before we knew about the picnic. He was out ALL day yesterday doing this bike ride. When I asked if he could skip the ride today, he made it seem like I was crazy for asking that. He said he already paid and was looking forward to it for months.

I'm sure all of you feel that the things most people take advantage of...we make little acomplishments BIG. I feel he should have just skipped the ride today; especially because he did it all day yesterday and be there to see his daughter get her trophy. Mind you, I let him do whatever he wants (go to the gym, hes on a baseball team, go bike riding on weekends). I just feel his daughter shuld have come before his bike ride. Did I overreact or do I have a right to be beyond annoyed?

Posted 6/30/13 8:24 AM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Did I overreact or not?

It's a milestone, so I don't think you overreacted.

I also personally would be annoyed too if he's out all the time with these different activities.

Running to the gym for an hour for a break is one thing, but constant activities that take you outside of the house all the time is a different story.

I paid a lot of money to be in a yoga class and I have stopped going lately because often I am out of the house for 3 hours with just one class.

I work F/T too so it's not realistic right now.

Could the fact that he's involved in so much be the bigger issue?

Posted 6/30/13 10:35 AM

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