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Did my 3 hour this morning

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Did my 3 hour this morning

I went to Quest and they were really nice. Got their at 7:30. Took me right into the back. They did a first draw before I had the juice then they put me in a special room that is for anyone doing the glucose tolerance. They asked which flavor of juice I wanted. They had the orange, lemon lime and cola. I said orange. Drank my 10oz juice and the clock started. The girl drew blood every hour for 3 hours.

It wasnt so bad just long. Plus not eating since 9:30pm the night before at around 10:30 I got a little dizzy and nausous. I did pack a granola bar with me knowing I would need something. The final blood draw was at 10:45 and after I ate my granola bar then went to grab breakfast I felt a lot better.

In their with me was another lady who was doing the 3 hour as well. Very nice lady and she is due the day after me. I was talking to the girl that did the blood and I told her the cut off was 140 and my sugar came back at 150. She said the same thing my MIL said it was definately something i had eaten that morning. She too was confident that everything would be fine with this test. She told me she sees it all the time pregnant ladies who have had a big breakfast then go and do the 1 hour fail it then when it comes to the 3 hour everything is fine. Plus with the elevated number she said it's not even really high of an elevation and the breakfast of cheerios and sip of vitamin water most likely was the culprit of the elevated sugar

So hopefully I'll have my results by the end of the week. Though when I got my 1 hour results I had them the next day

Posted 6/17/08 3:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

I did it too this morning....

I began fasting at 7pm and began the test at 920AM. (I'm actually fine fasting that long... no nausea or dizziness) My 1 hour levels were higher than yours (167), and I was careful to not eat anything prior to the exam... so I'm not in the same boat as you... I can't attribute it to anything but possible GD Chat Icon

Drank the orange icky drink... I felt so sleepy and generally icky at the first hour blood draw..... and was somewhat recovered by the 2nd... I felt pretty much fine at the final draw......

I hope I didn't fail it Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/08 3:28 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

I felt so sleepy too. I was ready to go to sleep in that chair. When the girl told me the chair reclines I was oh yea Chat Icon

I am still feeling really sleepy but it's been a real long day here and I still have to finish packing for my visit to NY. Knowing that just makes me even more Chat Icon

Dont worry too much. Hopefully everything will work out well for you Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/08 3:43 PM


Member since 8/07

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Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

good luck!!!!

Posted 6/17/08 3:47 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

Posted by HarleyGirlFLA

I felt so sleepy too. I was ready to go to sleep in that chair. When the girl told me the chair reclines I was oh yea Chat Icon

I am still feeling really sleepy but it's been a real long day here and I still have to finish packing for my visit to NY. Knowing that just makes me even more Chat Icon

Dont worry too much. Hopefully everything will work out well for you Chat Icon

that's reassuring to me that you also felt sleepy... becuase I seriously doubt you have GD....

yeah, I actually went home, ate something small, and napped from 2-3pm. I feel somewhat better now.
I'm really glad I could reschedule the test for today, so if I DO have GD, I have a few days to work stuff out with my OB prior to leaving for europe on tues....

Posted 6/17/08 3:49 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

i am glad it wasn't too bad for you girls Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon hopefully you both passed!!!

Posted 6/17/08 4:05 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

Melissa I hope you passed@!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/08 4:25 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

Keeping my fingers crossed for youChat Icon

Posted 6/17/08 4:28 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

Please pray I pass mine too! I took it this morning as well. Also went to Quest, the person who did my blood was very nice. She had trouble getting blood on the third draw and I got nervous and lightheated to the point where I thought I would pass out- she finally got it and let me lay down in another room as opposed to going back to the waiting area for the last hour. I felt so much better after laying down! She was so kind to even draw my last blood while I was laying down. I have this awful feeling I failed, my one hour numbers were pretty high, so I'm prepared to hear "you have GD" by the end of the week. I am freaked about it, but a woman I work with today had it for one of her pregnancies, said it really was no big deal and said it felt so good to eat healthy and she only gained 5 more lbs after being diagnosed. I know that is not a reason to want it, but I felt better hearing it was not the end of the world to have it!! I would rather pass the test, but it is what it is at this point!! Good luck everyone.

Posted 6/17/08 5:42 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

they gave you your #'s on the spot? I also went to quest, and they didn't tell me anything.....

Here are the #'s that are considered passing. to pass the test, you only need to pass 3 out of 4.....

Fasting* 95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L)
1 hour after glucose load* 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L)
2 hours after glucose load* 155 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L)
3 hours after glucose load* ** 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L)

just judging by how I felt, I swear I must have been above 180 on my 1 hour... that was a TON of sugar Chat Icon

I think I may have a chance to pass the other time points.... Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/08 6:11 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

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Jesss, duh.

Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

Good luck girls! I Chat Icon you all passed!!!

Posted 6/17/08 6:20 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

Posted by wannabemom

they gave you your #'s on the spot? I also went to quest, and they didn't tell me anything.....

Here are the #'s that are considered passing. to pass the test, you only need to pass 3 out of 4.....

Fasting* 95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L)
1 hour after glucose load* 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L)
2 hours after glucose load* 155 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L)
3 hours after glucose load* ** 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L)

just judging by how I felt, I swear I must have been above 180 on my 1 hour... that was a TON of sugar Chat Icon

I think I may have a chance to pass the other time points.... Chat Icon

No, I meant my one hour score was pretty high! I have no idea what they were today, but I can guarantee it was higher than 180 for the first hour draw, as I agree w/ you, tons of sugar!!! I thought you only had to pass 2 of the 4??

Posted 6/17/08 6:29 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

Chat Icon

I looked it up again Chat Icon I remembered it incorrectly! you have to pass THREE of four...

I felt much more confident when I thought it was 2/4 Chat Icon

here's the website I keep referring to for info

Posted 6/17/08 7:26 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

Posted by wannabemom

Chat Icon

I looked it up again Chat Icon I remembered it incorrectly! you have to pass THREE of four...

I felt much more confident when I thought it was 2/4 Chat Icon

here's the website I keep referring to for info

This one says 2 of 4, why don't we go by this, LOL

Posted 6/17/08 7:34 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 12/06

2941 total posts


Re: Did my 3 hour this morning

Btw, all these tests are making me nuts. More to worry about, it just does not end Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/08 7:34 PM

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