Did you notice any change in your parents when...
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I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Did you notice any change in your parents when...
Grandchildren came into the picture.
Like for example I watch how my parents are with Matthew and my nephew and they were never like that with me and my brother.
Take my Dad for instance. He's not the type of person that shows affection. Not that he doesn't love us he just doesn't show affection. With the grandsons he is suddenly rolling around on the floor with them, making silly faces and silly sounds.
My dad never was around much when we were kids. He did work 3 jobs. So he also now has more time to be at home and I guess he is seeing this as his chance to make it up to me and my brother by always being with the boys. It's kinda sweet when you think of it.
My dad never held us much as babies cuz it made him nervous to hold something so fragile. Now he just grabs the baby from our arms. He did it with my nephew but since he walks he prefers to explore and cause trouble. LOL He is always holding Matthew. As soon as someone else gets the chance to hold him he quickly takes him back. Matty is starting to sense that he always will hold him so when he is in the exersaucer or walker or whatever he is in he already knows that all he has to do is whine a bit and my dad will come. Matty doesn't like to stay in the same place for more than 30 mins but with my dad, he'll sit on the couch with him for hours. All my dad does is these little silly sounds but DS will sit there and watch them and sometimes smile and laugh. There is one word that probably is in Matty's head when he sees my dad and thats: S-U-C-K-A...
Message edited 1/14/2007 4:20:26 PM.
Posted 1/14/07 4:16 PM |
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