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Discipline for a toddler...

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and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Discipline for a toddler...

Cassidy is now 19 mos old, and is beginning that "terrible 2" stage. She hits Scotty, pulls my hair, does things she KNOWS she's not supposed to do and say "Mommy, LOOK!" while doing it!

It's not constant, just here and there, but I'm not sure whether to ignore it, take her away from the situation, or what.

Any suggestions?

Posted 7/23/06 11:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Discipline for a toddler...

Try redirecting the behavior with a stern "NO!" She is just testing her limits, hopefully it will pass quicklyChat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 11:10 AM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: Discipline for a toddler...

Posted by Scotty-CassidysMom

Cassidy is now 19 mos old, and is beginning that "terrible 2" stage. She hits Scotty, pulls my hair, does things she KNOWS she's not supposed to do and say "Mommy, LOOK!" while doing it!

It's not constant, just here and there, but I'm not sure whether to ignore it, take her away from the situation, or what.

Any suggestions?

Miranda was a little bit older when I had this issue, but I put her in the corner for 1 minute. I think since your DD knows what she's doing is wrong, than some kind of discipline other than saying no or redirecting her is needed.

Posted 7/23/06 11:27 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Discipline for a toddler...

I think if she's getting you to look it's clear that she's looking for attention and she knows that doing these things will get her the attention she wants when she wants it.

While I haven't BTDT I agree with trying to redirect her behavior while telling her NO and also explaining why we don't do such We don't hit Scotty because we love him and it hurts him if you hit him.

I guess I believe in a more gentle approach to discipline because I feel that for me growing up being "punished" so to speak really accomplished nothing and I remember continually acting out to get attention as I grew up all be it negative. So if Cassidy learns that doing these things is not going to get your attention I think she will learn that good behavior is what gets mommy's attention, not the bad. Not sure if any of that makes sense or not. Of course this approach may not work all the time or with every child.

Posted 7/23/06 11:33 AM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Discipline for a toddler...

Posted by monkeybride

I think if she's getting you to look it's clear that she's looking for attention and she knows that doing these things will get her the attention she wants when she wants it.

While I haven't BTDT I agree with trying to redirect her behavior while telling her NO and also explaining why we don't do such We don't hit Scotty because we love him and it hurts him if you hit him.

I guess I believe in a more gentle approach to discipline because I feel that for me growing up being "punished" so to speak really accomplished nothing and I remember continually acting out to get attention as I grew up all be it negative. So if Cassidy learns that doing these things is not going to get your attention I think she will learn that good behavior is what gets mommy's attention, not the bad. Not sure if any of that makes sense or not. Of course this approach may not work all the time or with every child.

I'm not a BTDT mother either, but I work with children birth-5. I agree with most of what is above, however, the "explanation" part is a little too much language for a 19 month old to comprehend. I think its a good idea to explain, just use short, simple phrases. "No pulling" "scotts sad. you hurt him" "Ouch, he has a booboo" JMO

Posted 7/23/06 11:41 AM

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