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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
Geez...Ok DS naps well, when he sleeps, sleeps well, but not for long.
I get 6 hours out of him at a clip at night! THAT'S IT. Motrin, tylenol, teething tablets....NOTHING.
The kid takes a full bottle or 7 of the 8 oz (powder soy formula, and it wasn't much longer on RTF).
Granted, he goes down by the time he wakes to eat, we've been asleep for an hour or 2 (if I'm lucky...I can't sleep lately).
For instance, last night, he was asleep by 6pm, woke at 10:45 for a full bottle, back to sleep till 6:30ish in which he fought going back to sleep for an hour....but when he finally went down slept till about 10am.
Normally his early AM feeding is around 5/5:30am.
Posted 2/8/08 11:08 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 3/06 18677 total posts
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
how old is he?
Posted 2/8/08 11:09 AM |
my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
Honestly that does not sound too long as he is sleeping right after I wouldn't mind it.
My son did this till about almost two years old...I would hear his stomach rumbling. He eventually outgrew it...every baby is different. Good Luck
Posted 2/8/08 11:11 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
Does he get a full bottle before going down at 6/7? I used to make Lucas finish the whole bottle before bed and that helped...also maybe increase feedings during the day when he is awake. Then...if he wakes at night only give him a small bottle and decrease over the next few nights until he learns that he isn't getting much at night. Might help.
Posted 2/8/08 11:11 AM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
Posted by johnsae
how old is he?
8 mths old
Posted 2/8/08 11:11 AM |
Member since 3/06 18677 total posts
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
I would just not go in there when he wakes next time. DD was doing this and DH and I decided that we weren't going to go in one night. She cried for awhile, but that was it....has slept through every night since then. She is 7.5 months and goes down around 6:30 and sleeps until at least 7:30 am. I would def try CIO...but don't go in there...let him cry for awhile (some people may disagree with me on this, but it DEFINITELY worked for us). Good luck!
Posted 2/8/08 11:17 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
I don't know. I think that sounds pretty reasonable. Going to bed at 6pm is really early so I don't think you can expect him to sleep through until late in the AM. DD would be up for the day at 6am for a long time. I don't think you can expect them to go back to sleep after almost 12 hours of sleep even if they woke for a feeding.
Posted 2/8/08 12:00 PM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
Honestly, his sleep sounds pretty normal for an 8 month old. Maybe try giving him a "dream feed" around 10:00 before you go to bed. He goes to bed early, he's probably hungry. I wouldn't CIO.
Posted 2/8/08 1:00 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
I would "night" feed him before you go to bed. We did that with DS and eventually he weaned himself off the night time bottle.
Posted 2/8/08 1:25 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2246 total posts
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
Start giving him more throughout the day. IMO he does not need a night bottle at 8 months. It will take a few days but he will get over it. I did this with my son at 6 months and that is when he started sleeping through the night.
Good luck!
Posted 2/8/08 1:33 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Do I start CIO or do I continue to feed him at night? (mini vent)
My DS is almost 10 months old and no matter how much he eats during the day he still wakes at night to eat. And lately he hasn't even been making it 3 hours sometimes
It's killing me, to get up 3x per night and then get up at 6:30am to go to work is really hard...
Posted 2/9/08 12:12 AM |