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Happy Mommy
Member since 9/06 4074 total posts
Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
I had my Level II on 6/22. At the time the tech was very, I don't know, unenthusiastic is a word, but probably not the right one. When I asked if she could tell what gender the baby was, she asked "why? you want to know?". DH and I just looked at each other and said "yeah" (hence the question). She then told us we were having a boy but did not point out boy-parts to us, or even give us a picture (there was more to it, but I was probably the 80th one she had that day alone, so I can live with it. Not complaining...she told me my baby is much can I really hold against her). Now I am starting to wonder and would like to see if we could get sort of a "confirmation". I know nothing but amnios are 100%, but I was hoping there will be another sono so we can get another opportunity to "look" and even get a picture. No one mentioned another sono at my OB and some of the women I talk to tell me as long as everything is going well, there is no other sono. Is this the case? If so, do I just have to hold out until the baby comes?
Posted 7/7/09 6:48 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
i dont know about other offices but i had my level II at almost 22 weeks and im scheduled for another sono at 28 weeks in 2 weeks. My dr today said its to make sure the baby is measuring ok...
Posted 7/7/09 6:50 PM |
For mom i miss u ETC ILOVEU

Member since 3/07 13921 total posts
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
this is a great ?? actually...I have no idea if my office gives another sono after the level II...i am scheduled for July 21st i am going to ask how my office work...sorry i was no help
Posted 7/7/09 6:52 PM |
My two boys!

Member since 5/05 7279 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
Mine told me the next one would be at 32 weeks.
Posted 7/7/09 7:06 PM |
My two miracles!

Member since 5/06 17826 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
I had one at 20 weeks & then a growth sono at 32 weeks. The tech pointed out DS "boy" parts again to us at the last sono.
Posted 7/7/09 7:27 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
I think it depends on your OB - my OB only does another sono if there is an issue. But even if not - this is def. an issue you could point out
Posted 7/7/09 9:05 PM |
Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07 4619 total posts
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
My OB orders a growth sono at 32 weeks if he thinks the baby is measuring large.
Posted 7/8/09 8:25 AM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
That's terrible the way you were treated You ought to have least gotten a few photos and of course one to see the Gender. My Midwife schedules another sonogram at 32 weeks hopefully that one will be better for you
Posted 7/8/09 8:37 AM |

Member since 3/06 4749 total posts
Name: a
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
I'm not having my first sono after the level 2 until this Thursday (38.5 weeks!). I wish I had had it a little sooner, but my docs office doesn't do growth sonos till 38 weeks. I never actually saw a picture of the "girl parts" and while the doc that did mine was very nice and informative I too would like some "extra" confirmation that all my preparation for isn't for nothing and going to need to be changed (I'm completely paranoid!)
Posted 7/8/09 8:41 AM |
Loving every minute

Member since 2/09 1663 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
My OB said my next would be the growth sono at approx 32 wks.
Sorry to hear you had a tech that wasn't having a good day, I would have asked for a pic of the little boys goodies anyway...we pay enough for these services!
Posted 7/8/09 8:42 AM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
i know it's off topic but i get so annoyed when i hear stories like this i don't care if it was her 1000th sono that day - this is the job SHE chose and she needs to be a little - okay a LOT - more considerate. this was YOUR first level II and she should be more aware of that fact.
i have adored every single one of my sono techs, they were always the sweetest and most enthusiastic and seemed to understand that even though the baby meant nothing to them, it meant the world to me and DH.
and back to the topic, i had a growth sono at 30 weeks. and even though i had seen the "goods" twice before i made them check again 
Posted 7/8/09 8:44 AM |
My two Girls=)
Member since 7/07 1421 total posts
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
I go to midwives and I don't get anymore sonos after the level 2 unless I'm not measuring right.
Posted 7/8/09 8:51 AM |
number 3...coming soon!

Member since 4/09 1811 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
I also had a bad experience with my sono tech at my Level 2 (not gender realted), so I know how you feel. If you really want to validate the baby's sex, you can pay $50 at one of these 3D/4D sono places and they will tell you. Impact Medical in East Meadow has a gender determination package: Gender Determination Package - $50 plus tax Perfect for the couple looking to validate the gender of their baby. This package includes:
2D in office ultrasound session of approximately 5 minutes duration Gender Determination 1 Black and White 4x4 "THERMAL" picture
Posted 7/8/09 9:08 AM |

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Eileen
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
Every office is different. My dr's do a growth sono at 32w (which I have today at 4). It's using the same machine so they can definitely tell 'parts' assuming the baby's in the right position.
Ask at your next appt.
Posted 7/8/09 10:32 AM |
Baby #3 coming this June

Member since 8/05 6721 total posts
Name: A
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
I only had another sono done after my level II because they had to check something. Otherwise, my OB doesn't do another one until you go past your due date or there is a problem. I didn't know they treated you like that. That is horrible! They should of shown you the boy parts.
Posted 7/8/09 10:50 AM |
Love my girls!
Member since 10/06 2114 total posts
Name: mommy
Re: Do they do anymore sono's after Level II? Gender related
I wouldn't call this a "bad experience" - thinking about the doc you came from prior to this office, I think it was that new doctor there that does the level II's, different than when the tech does it and our doc comes in and goes over the measurements - even at high risk I did not have another sono till 32 weeks. I think Dr. S did my Level II - the tech is more "fun", the doc is more get to the point is the baby healthy and measuring properly. A few things on the # of sonos... being that you are not high risk you will not have as many as I do and second, your insurance has a lot to do with how many they allow for non-risk pregnancies. Anyway, I personally would warn anyone about trusting a sono to determine sex of the baby as they are wrong in a number of cases you hear about. Second, baby is healthy - that's the important thing. Your over 20 weeks holding steady, baby checks and you check. Life's good! JMO
Posted 7/8/09 10:47 PM |