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LIF Zygote
Member since 7/06 9 total posts
Do you believe in signs???
I am new to this board but I had to post this! My mom past away 9 years this August 30th. I just got married this past July and my father remarried in Oct. 2005.
My father sold the house that we lived in the past 12 yrs and that my mom died in this past June. We have been cleaning it out b/c they are closing this week. My dad does not want ANYTHING from the house - pictures, furniture nothing! Which I am trying to understand b/c his new life, new beginnings blah blah blah - but it is still very hard.
So anyways, I am cleaning out the basement and the trunk filled will everything I ever did, experienced or earned in my childhood (thanks MOM for saving)! So as I am going through things, my husband hands my a small book of prayers called "A Mother's Manuel". He says open it and read. Inside the front cover is the date 1992 (My graduation year) and a note from my mom that says; "Dear Robyn: Have faith in the future! Love Mom xx"!!!!!!!!
I have never seen this book or new it existed! There are some moments that make me feel like she is still here!
So I guess I just want to say, have FAITH! Your loved ones are always with you!
Posted 8/20/06 11:38 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 3775 total posts
Name: Kathleen
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I do believe in signs and it looks like you just got one!!
What a nice story.
Did you go through the book yet?
Posted 8/21/06 10:38 AM |

Member since 5/05 4319 total posts
Name: Pam
Re: Do you believe in signs???
That is so awesome!! I always hope to find something like that.
I would say I do believe in signs too. My mom died in April 2001. Backstory - my mom's mom died early at age 60 as well, when my mom was only 32. I never met her, but I remember whenever there was a thunder storm, my mom would say the thunder was "Nanny bowling up in heaven." So, after my mom passed away, I swear I don't remember any thunderstorms - until on the morning of July 11, 2001, what would have been her 61st birthday, there was this crazy thunderstorm as I was getting ready for work. And I totally felt like it was my mom letting me know she was there. And what made it even better - I had to drop my car off for some work to be done at the mechanic that was near where I worked. So, although I was so excited for the thunderstorm, I was a little annoyed that I'd have to walk across a major road to get to work in the rain. But, just before I left for work, the clouds went away and the sun came out so bright!! It really felt like it was something to me!!! And now every time there is a thunderstorm, I like to believe my mom is there. (OK, now I am crying at work again! )
Posted 8/21/06 10:57 AM |
Positive thoughts worked!!!

Member since 6/06 1909 total posts
Name: J
Re: Do you believe in signs???
Those are both very nice stories!! I believe in signs although I haven't had one yet. Its still early though so hopefully mine's coming soon!!
Posted 8/21/06 12:09 PM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 6/06 23 total posts
Name: Elena
Re: Do you believe in signs???
Those are wonderful stories. I totallly believe in signs. They're one of the few things to give us hope that our loved ones are still with us. Please continue to post, I find these stories so uplifiting! :hug
Message edited 8/21/2006 5:50:14 PM.
Posted 8/21/06 5:49 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Do you believe in signs???
great stories
I have one- but it has nothing to do with my Mom
my grandfather passed about abou 8 years ago- he old school italian and hide money all over the house
he lost $25K in the attic
he was sick over it- my uncles went up there- ripped everything out- insulation- everything
it decided that the A/C installers stole it- and tried to forget about it- but he couldn't
3 mother's day ago- my Aunt goes up there- and says "Daddy show me the money"
turns around and there it is - right out in the open!
my grandma split it with all of the kids- the money was so old- I was scared to bring it to the bank!
Posted 8/21/06 9:28 PM |
My new 71 Super Beetle

Member since 5/05 13476 total posts
Name: Scott
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I wouldnt call this a sign - but I have had dreams with my mother in it - where we are having conversations. The dreams feel so real....My mother is there.....It feels like real life...but unfortunately it isnt.
My mom died nov 8, 2004
Posted 8/21/06 11:39 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Do you believe in signs???
Posted by danielleandscott
I wouldnt call this a sign - but I have had dreams with my mother in it - where we are having conversations. The dreams feel so real....My mother is there.....It feels like real life...but unfortunately it isnt.
My mom died nov 8, 2004
I have those all the time- like nothing ever happened
sunday is 2 years
Posted 8/21/06 11:48 PM |
Joining Team Blue with Baby #2

Member since 5/06 1155 total posts
Name: Tiffany
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I had a similar thing happen...I was unpacking some things from my mothers house and putting books on my bookshelf when I came across a book that she had given me a few years ago. For some reason, of all the books, I chose to open that one and inside the cover was a note that was never there before that read, "Live life to the fullest. Never say you can do it tomorrow, because tomorrow may never come, Love, Mom" and it was dated March 17, 2006.
That day we took my mom out for St. Patty's day to see all of her friends and there is a really great picture of us and my husband that I have as my desktop background on my computer. She must have written the message after we brought her home that night. My mom passed on July 7th. The funny part is, that when I found this message I was having hard time deciding whether I was ready to go back to work or if I should take a vacation with my husband first. After reading that, I chose the vacation.
I have just started having dreams where we have conversations. I look forward to them every night.
Posted 8/22/06 10:49 AM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 6/06 23 total posts
Name: Elena
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I believe that dreams are signs as well. I have relatives who have dreams all the time of people who have passed on. They're usually relaying a message of something the dreamer doesn't understand until days later, or until speaking to someone else about the dream. This makes me believe that there is another force out there, and the dreams are our way of connecting with them. Maybe I'm crazy. Sadly, I don't have them, but if I can remember a specific story from my relative I'll be happy to share.
Posted 8/22/06 10:17 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 538 total posts
Name: Paula
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I definitely believe in signs. I have things like that happen all the time. It actually gives me comfort, like she still here with me. How wonderful that you found that book.
Posted 8/23/06 11:18 PM |
Mommy to 2 amazing little boys
Member since 5/05 9306 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Do you believe in signs???
Message edited 1/30/2009 10:40:28 AM.
Posted 8/25/06 9:23 AM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I completely believe in signs. Definitely. I'll share mine sometime.
Posted 8/25/06 12:29 PM |
My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05 1101 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I believe in signs, sometimes that is all that pushes me through a rough day. My father has been around a lot lately just with little things here and there. My biggest sign from him was 3 nights after he passed i put my DD to bed and had her monitor outside with me while i spoke to my cousin who had stayed with me when all of the sudden we hear one of my DD toys (a wind up musical bear) start to sing. I looked at her as if i was nuts she said she heard it too. About a half hour later it happened again. My DH and my cousin had just come home and we were all sitting on the couch when the bear went through the whole song. All of us had the hair on our bodies stand on end. I told my DH to see where the bear was and go grab it out of her room and bring it in the living room. He said the bear was still up on her dresser and no where near her. Since that day the bear has never worked again. My last phone convo with my dad was that he wanted me to tell my DD that he loved her and would be with her and i no matter what. I believe that with all my heart.
Posted 8/25/06 10:10 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 982 total posts
Re: Do you believe in signs???
Wow, these stories made me get goosebumps ALL OVER..
Here is mine. My Dad passed away on Aug. 14th. Here is my story.
DH and I were in Wildwood, NJ the day my Dad died. We got the call in the morning that he was actively dying (a term Hospice uses, I guess opposed to passively dying??). Anyway, we packed up and left. They gave my Dad a day or two or maybe a week. They were not sure. He died a few hours later. Anway, we ate and packed because we thought we had more time. We left at 4:39 pm. Funny, how I remember the exact time.. I called my mom as we pulled out of the parking space we were in. She said to hurry. We were talking a few minutes when my DH pulled onto the main road. I happened to be looking out my passenger side window when I noticed a Bob's Auto Body Shop. So I told my Mom, mom you are not going to believe this but I am looking at a Bob's auto body shop. She was like really.. :) (My Dad's name is Bob). Ok, not a biggie deal yet. So my DH proceeds to drive one block and again the light turns red. He stops and right in my face is a Tom Kat Diner. So I said to my Mom, you are not going to freaking believe this, but now I am looking at a Tom Kat Diner. She was like, no way. (little background, my Dad worked for Grumman and painted the Tom Cat F-14's for many years, he use to bring us home Tom Cat T-Shirts to wear to bed). He always had Tom Cat Stickers everywhere). Ok, so my Mom and I talked for like one more minute and then we hung up. My DH pulled into the gas station to get gas and about a minute later, my cell rings. It is my sister. Now, I think oh no.. I just talked to them. My sister and my mOm were together. I answer, and my sister is screaming he died. He died while they were on the phone with me. He was alive when I called. They stepped out of the room to talk to me. :(( So the exact moment he died, give or take a minute, I saw both those signs.. Ok, so the day of the funeral, we are in the limos and we see a Tom Cat Bakery truck go by. We were in W. Islip. I went online later that day to see where in NY there is a tom cat bakery. The only one is Long Island City... Also, the windows keepted going down in the limo, it was FREAKY! One more thing. The night of one of the wakes, my DH said he was lying in bed almost asleep, when he heard a voice say like 5 times, make sure Patti knows I am ok.. My DH had to say ok Dad in order for the voice to go away. Now, only my Dad called my Mom Patti. My DH certainly never referred to her as Patti.. Only Pat.
So, now I have typers cramp. :) Anyway, aren't those awesome signs? :) I know my Dad is still with us, looking over us.
Posted 8/28/06 12:13 AM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 3/06 36 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I definately believe in signs... I live them all the time..there are soo many to tell.. one I can remember is on christmas my family was all in the dining room playing cards(I live in the house my mom grew up in and died in) we were talking about the past and I had had a cd of hers(garth brooks.. a favorite she danced with my brother at his wedding to) in the player upstairs in the den, not on when all of a sudden the cd is playing and blasting so loud we were all like whats that?.. I said holy SH*T its the cd player, my husbanmd freaked my brothers freaked and all ran out of the house and wouldnt go back in until it was shut off(I had to go up and turn it off).. but it felt really cool to have that happen, still to this day dont know how it happened but it did.....
I also see her all the time here in dreams and awake that it freaks me out sometimes...I have dreams where i wake up hyper ventalating and talking to her because she is right there in my face and we are actually having a convo about the house and how she loves the way it looks and how shes so proud of me..I love when it happens but at times it makes me sad because I know she really isnt here...its been 5 1/2 yrs and there isnt a day that I dont think or tear up about her and some days full blown cries, I wonder sometimes if it will go away..:(
Oh and one more thing, the day my mom died I left her house to go home and change and get myself together ,(I slept at her house every nite towards the end,)..I had kissed her and said is it ok to leave for a 1/2 hr, I promise I will be right back and she shook her head yes and grabbed my hand and opened her eyes, so I left, half hr I return with the hsopice nurse in tears waiting for me at the front door and she said sh'es gone, it had happebned as soon as I pulled up in the driveway... how weird is that? I believe she didnt want me to see her take her last breath...
.. sorry for the babble
Message edited 8/28/2006 7:54:54 PM.
Posted 8/28/06 7:49 PM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Do you believe in signs???
What a wonderful thing to find! I, too, believe in signs. My Mom passed away 2/22/02. Over the past several weeks, I've been noticing a significance more and more with the number "222". Either I'll look up at the clock and it will happen to be 2:22, someone's birthday on an application (I work in an HR capacity), or I'll dream about something related to 222. Every time it happens, I swear I feel my Mom with me, letting me know she's there and always will be. This is especially comforting because my wedding is fast approaching and I miss her terribly. I always love hearing about other peoples' signs.
Posted 8/29/06 8:58 PM |
My three little miracles

Member since 4/06 2628 total posts
Name: Alison
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I used to rpay for signs/dreams after my mom died in 1989. Everyone told me that she was always with me, but I only really felt that way when I dreamed about her. THen, when my dad died in 2003, I only had a few dreams about him -- I prayed for more signs. THen, my wedding day!
I was so nervous that I was going to be a mess. I was so sad thinking about going through the day without them. But, I was nothing but smiles all day (except a few happy tears later in the evening). I was so excited and felt like it was them... making me feel better... allowing me to truly enjoy the best day of my life. But the best part was when we were saying our vows. It was a pretty overcast day, but the sun was shining through the stained glass window around the huge cross at the alter. I thought about them, but did not think much of it until after the ceremony when many people told me they noticed it and knew it was them smiling on us. Just thinking about it makes me tear up and hope for more great signs.... treasure them!
Posted 8/30/06 9:31 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1107 total posts
Name: Dree
Re: Do you believe in signs???
These might be odd signs but here goes anyway...
Once I was hysterically crying (meltdown type) to my boyfriend 10 years ago (DH now) at about 5am. We were sitting in a window sill and all of a sudden a cute little bird flew up and just sat there outside the window. It immediatly stopped me from crying and this amazing feeling of peace washed over me...I told DH that I thought it must be my Mom.
Then on our wedding day when we were saying our vows at an outside ceremony all of a sudden about 10 birds flew out a tall tree above us. People asked if we released doves or something. I really feel like that was my Mom checking in and adding a nice touch to the ceremony.
Posted 9/2/06 11:49 PM |
Member since 6/05 3273 total posts
Re: Do you believe in signs???
too many to list. They make me feel close to her.
Posted 9/4/06 8:52 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/05 2509 total posts
Name: michelle
Re: Do you believe in signs???
i also just discovered this board,just wanted to share with you why I DO believe in signs....
i lost my mom 4 years ago after years of battling cancer... i have received so many signs from her,and always when i was really missing&needing her most.
I was always so sceptical of the idea of the "afterlife" but the signs she has given me to let me know shes still here were undeniable. One major sign that comes to mind first are all the butterflies that started appearing-everywhere.
Outside the hospital just when i first got the news of my mom passing, the first of many beautiful butterflies suddenly appeared. This was outside a hospital in the middle of NYC mind you, so it was very out of place to have a huge yellow butterfly appear from nowhere, and it would just fly all around me- and in the months ahead i NEVER saw SO many butterflies! Even when I was cleaning out her room a monarch butterfly must have came in thru the window and just sort of nonchalanty flew all around me. I am NOT making this up as crazy as it sounds. After a while i started doing research on the afterlife....because all these butterfly appearances were way to weird and i felt like it definately had to do with my mom. Sure enough i found out that butterflies are one of the #1 way that the afterlife tries to communicate with you,if you believe it!
They symbolize "metamorphasis" transforming from one body to another,a change in physical form.
Sorry this is so long, but i just wanted to share my experience with all of you, Your loved ones are very much still around you, and if you are open to it, you will def get a sign to know that they are still around you!
Posted 9/6/06 8:44 PM |
Member since 8/06 4376 total posts
Re: Do you believe in signs???
I have a weird story:
When my mom was sick five years ago, she was in the hospital one day crying that she'd never be able to buy me dishes when I move into my first apartment (I was 20 at the time), never see me get married, etc. My dad suggested that she buy me dishes NOW and we'd just store them...then I could say "my mom bought me these" when the time came. But she didn't want to do that.
Anyway, when I was 22 I moved to my first apartment. My dad let me take a lot of stuff from the house (ie - glasses); he just had so many sets (my mom loved buying that stuff.)
So I found a set of plates. They weren't in boxes, but they looked new. I had never seen them before and neither had my dad. But they are SO my mother's taste and I have to believe she purchased them at some point. So there were my dishes! I thought that was really freaky....
Posted 10/12/06 12:42 PM |
Member since 8/06 4376 total posts
Re: Do you believe in signs???
Posted by oopsididitagain
i also just discovered this board,just wanted to share with you why I DO believe in signs....
i lost my mom 4 years ago after years of battling cancer... i have received so many signs from her,and always when i was really missing&needing her most.
I was always so sceptical of the idea of the "afterlife" but the signs she has given me to let me know shes still here were undeniable. One major sign that comes to mind first are all the butterflies that started appearing-everywhere.
Outside the hospital just when i first got the news of my mom passing, the first of many beautiful butterflies suddenly appeared. This was outside a hospital in the middle of NYC mind you, so it was very out of place to have a huge yellow butterfly appear from nowhere, and it would just fly all around me- and in the months ahead i NEVER saw SO many butterflies! Even when I was cleaning out her room a monarch butterfly must have came in thru the window and just sort of nonchalanty flew all around me. I am NOT making this up as crazy as it sounds. After a while i started doing research on the afterlife....because all these butterfly appearances were way to weird and i felt like it definately had to do with my mom. Sure enough i found out that butterflies are one of the #1 way that the afterlife tries to communicate with you,if you believe it!
They symbolize "metamorphasis" transforming from one body to another,a change in physical form.
Sorry this is so long, but i just wanted to share my experience with all of you, Your loved ones are very much still around you, and if you are open to it, you will def get a sign to know that they are still around you!
I read about that in a book my aunt gave me after my grandpa passed away 10 years ago. It's definately true!
I got married in August - no doubt hard without my mom there - and although I didn't see it, RIGHT in the middle of the ceremony flew a single butterfly. And it didn't fly just flew to the side of the chuppah where I was standing.
Posted 10/12/06 12:44 PM |