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do you revolve you day around babys nap?

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


do you revolve you day around babys nap?

I dont and especialy now that i am working she alwasy naps when ia m driving to and form teh sitters so i cant stop her. My sister was saying they try to be home for her babys nap. what do you do?

Posted 1/7/07 7:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

i do try to plan my day around her naps, but that doesn't mean I have to be home for them. I try not to wake her from a nap ever in order to do something. I will go out b/c I know that she will fall asleep in the car or the stroller so that's no big deal. My main issue is that I don't want to have to wake her in order to go somewhere if we are home and she is napping.

Posted 1/7/07 7:23 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

yes...that is when I get stuff done

Posted 1/7/07 7:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

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Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

No because Liam sleeps when needed, doesn't have a schedule.

However if I have another child I will schedule them, because I feel that at least with Liam, not scheduling them and letting him sleep when he wanted to meant he doesn't really get alot of napping during the day. He's been sleeping more now these past few days, I am hoping it will last. If I did schedule naps yeah I probably would fit it around his schedule - but for daily stuff like grocery shopping or doctor's appts, but if I had friends coming over or we were going somewhere no I would just deal...he sleeps in the car all the time anyway so I think it would be ok.

Posted 1/7/07 7:39 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

When he was younger- I did all the time (as much as I could) Good sleep during the day meant a good night...

Now that he is older- I dont at all- Today we were so busy he did not nap at all Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/7/07 7:58 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

I do, Alex needs his nap and I need to get things done. I am pretty strict with the schedule which is both good and bad. He won't sleep in the car or in his stroller only his crib, that is the bad part, the good is he sleeps great during the day and sleeps 11- 12 hours at night.

Posted 1/7/07 8:18 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

I son will be 2 next month. He is is daycare Mon-Wed and they are on a pretty set schedule so when we are home I try to have him nap the same time. If we are going visiting somewhere we try to leave around nap time so he will at least get some sleep. I am due with #2 in May so I am sure it will all change then.

Posted 1/7/07 9:46 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

Unless its a special occassion or we are traveling I always organize my day around her naptime. The day is much more pleasant for all of us that way.

Posted 1/7/07 10:12 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

It depends on our plans for the day.
If I want her to be up late for instance, I will make sure she gets a good nap in (if I can!)

Posted 1/7/07 10:13 PM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

5857 total posts


Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

No, DS naps whenever he wants. So I go about my day and when we are out he just sleeps in the car/stroller

Posted 1/7/07 10:16 PM

Love my little ladies

Member since 2/06

1225 total posts


Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

I never revolve my day around naps..They are 10 months and when they get tired they fall asleep wherever we are.

Posted 1/7/07 10:22 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

684 total posts


Re: do you revolve you day around babys nap?

i work around my daughters nap...she sleeps approx 2pm-4 so thats when i get stuff done. My husband is home during that time so i could run to the bank or post office or do food shopping. We plan our acitivites like playgroup or mommy and me class or storytime at the library in the morning so when we get home its lunch and naptime. This has been working out great for us. I am a very scheduled person and i like knowing how to plan for our day.

Posted 1/7/07 10:41 PM

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