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Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

560 total posts


Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

Ugg. I love my daughter more than anything in this world, but she really drives me nuts sometimes. She's so emotional it's not even funny. She's so outgoing and happy to everyone else, but with me and my husband, she's an absolute emotional basket case half the timeChat Icon
Lately when she doesn't get her way, she FLIPS her freaking lid. Like completely flips out. And she has consequences for this behavior, but that doesn't work. I also have been working with her on how to appropriately handle herself when she gets like that. We talk a lot about it when she's calm and there hasn't been a tantrum, and then I try my hardest to talk her through it when she is freaking out, but once she's like that, there's no reasoning most times.
And I'm trying to see if there are any triggers to these outbursts, but she literally does a 180.
I'm so upset by thisChat Icon Clearly my husband and I are doing something wrong with her because she doesn't do this for anyone else. Not at school, not for my parents when she stays with them, not for any babysitters or her aunts and uncles when they watch her.
I don't really know what I'm look for. Advice, encouragement, similar stories? Anything at this point to make me feel less like a failure to my child would be greatChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/11 10:52 AM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

I think this is normal. My DS is 6 and is the same way - behaves for everyone else except DH and me. He whines, cries, throws fits when he doesn't get his way. And it's usually when DH and I are together - when it's just me, he's pretty good. I try to point out what whining is, when he is whining and that he will not get what he wants by whining. I think he just wants all the attention, and sometimes when DH and I are together we are speaking with each other and not directly to DS. He'll keep interrupting until we pay attention to him. For us, I think it has something to do with the three person dynamic - I'm still trying to figure it out. Today it's just me and DS and he is a pleasure to be around. Hang in there - you'll work it out. Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/11 11:04 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

560 total posts


Re: Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

Thanks for replying. I guess because I don't see other kids acting this way, it makes me feel like my kid is the only one. I mean, she's such a fantastic kid, but ever since I had my son, I can see she's more emotional, which I guess is normal.'s so hard sometimesChat Icon

Posted 6/28/11 11:46 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

My DS is 5 also and I deal with the same thing. I think every parent feels like it is only there child but it never is. All kids go through it. I think if you continue what you are doing it will get better. I just started a sticker chart and he responds well to it.

Posted 6/28/11 12:20 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

4018 total posts


Re: Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

My kids do this at times also. They will do it for people that they are comfortable around. Most of the time I find that they are having an issue expressing themselves and they get so worked up that they lose it. I have been trying to get them to talk about stuff, and that talking helps, screaming and flipping out does not. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't.

Posted 6/28/11 3:32 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

My almost 6 year old is the same - it's very normal behavior. I've even asked her on a few occasions why she does this only with me, and no one else, and she tells me it's because she's comfortable with me.

I wouldn't get too upset - as my therapist always told me, you always treat the ones you are closest to the worst, because you feel safe to really express yourself to them. She's just learning how to express her frustration in her safe zone.

I would work with her to give her the tools to find more productive avenues to express her frustration. I've talked with my oldest many times about verbalizing her emotions. Now, we're at the point where she'll stop me mid-sentence and say, "Mommy, I'm very frustrated right now - I need time to myself" and she will walk up to her room and take a timeout to calm down Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/11 3:50 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

My almost 5 year old daughter is just like that. We haven't found anything that works with her yet, other than ignoring her or removing her from the situation.

Posted 6/28/11 7:32 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

as everyone said above, I think its normal for children to act that way around th epeople they are most comfy with...usually their parents. My DD who just turned 5 has been acting exactly as you described for the last couple of months. Its been very frustrating at times.Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/11 7:56 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

434 total posts


Re: Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

You described my almost 6 year old to a T. I am seriously losing my mind and asking myself.....why me?

Posted 6/28/11 11:03 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

560 total posts


Re: Does anyone else have a super emotional 5 year old?

I think we need a 5 year old support groupChat Icon Just kidding, but thank you for all of your responses. I guess it is reassuring that they're all going through some semblance of the same thing, so it must be developmental. Honestly, hearing from you ladies is making me feel a lot better and like I can hang in there!
Hopefully she'll learn and get better with time and I am definitely grateful that she's only like this with me and my husband. Ugg. Being a parent can be so damn hard sometimesChat Icon

Posted 6/29/11 1:07 AM

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